People frown when protein shakes are mentioned



    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Anyone else find that people frown when you mention protein shakes, and that you take them?
    It was the talk this lunch time, and I brought up I take them after i work out...
    first question was. "why?"

    ...surely the reason why is obvious? But they frown up on it...they mainly frown when a girl drinks them.

    Anyone else have this problem? They frown when you want to diet. But frown when you want to increase your muscle mass. Geeeeee! But they don't complain if you're fat ¬.¬. People!

    Sorry just a wee rant.

    No. Who cares if they do. Are you seeking your approval or theirs? Personally, I smile and give myself a high 5.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Anyone else find that people frown when you mention protein shakes, and that you take them?
    It was the talk this lunch time, and I brought up I take them after i work out...
    first question was. "why?"

    ...surely the reason why is obvious? But they frown up on it...they mainly frown when a girl drinks them.

    Anyone else have this problem? They frown when you want to diet. But frown when you want to increase your muscle mass. Geeeeee! But they don't complain if you're fat ¬.¬. People!

    Sorry just a wee rant.

    No. Who cares if they do. Are you seeking your approval or theirs? Personally, I smile and give myself a high 5.

    No. But it comes up almost every lunch time. So it bugs me.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i guess i should consider myself lucky. i haven't encountered that many people that have passed TRUE judgement on me....... most don't say much of anything. and i don't think i've ever been told the whole " too much protein" bit!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I get the EXACT same thing at work. They may be skinny but I can climb mountains and run marathons :)
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    A few days ago my boss came into my office and saw my freshly used shaker on my desk.

    He proceeded to tell me his horror story about a mate of a mate of a mate, who's cousin's brother's stepdad in law once knew a guy who worked for him. Supposedly this guy was having protein shakes and it gave him terrible mood swings which eventually led to aggressive and even physically violent behaviour.

    Supposedly everyone at work tried to talk him into quitting the protein shakes but he wouldn't have it, which of course meant that he was addicted to them.

    Eventually, despite everyones efforts to calm him down, he ended up leaving the company.

    Of course I told my boss that his story sounds like a story about steroids, which has turned into a cautionary tale about protein due to chinese whispers. He vehemently denied this and went on to imply that an argument he and I had last week was because of my protein shakes (it was actually because he's an idiot, not because of protein at all)

    My boss (and his wife) have always been weird about my protein shakes ever since they found out that 3 of us in the company have them. They keep asking weird questions about what's in it and how it's made, and every time one of us is off work (usually with a training injury) they will go out of their way to tell us that it must be the protein causing it!

    Some people just don't have a clue what they are talking about, and even worse, some of these clueless people refuse to accept that you know more than they do.

    To put it bluntly - these people sound like complete and utter ignorant morons.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Honestly think they're jealous.
    The reason most people take them is cos they work out. The people who have "made fun of" me and other people with protein shakes simply don't work out and are weaklings..
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    Honestly think they're jealous.
    The reason most people take them is cos they work out. The people who have "made fun of" me and other people with protein shakes simply don't work out and are weaklings..
  • 9kilos2loose
    I went and saw a dietician a few months ago and she actually recommended that I start drinking them as I wasn't having enough protein.

    Do what you want, it's no one's business but your own!
  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    i love my protein shake and have it every morning for breakfast.

    I never thought i'd do this but i never wake up early enough to make breakfast and i wanted something to keep me full for a couple hours before lunch time - when i stumbled about Orgain at Whole Foods i was so happy. Finally a solution to my problem.

    It's also great for when i'm in a hurry and hungry - instead of stopping at McDonalds i just grab one of my shakes and i'm good to go for a while. Oh and def awesome for pre or post workout!

    This one is even organic!

    I've since recommended it to many friends who have also started drinking it regularly.

    I say go for what works for you!
  • birdsbod
    birdsbod Posts: 5 Member
    I will wave my shake flag proudly, especially if they make me able to someday rock climb like the bada$$ above, be strong, run marathons and feel unstoppable! I love them for breakfast... trader how's banana and pb (I'm a pb junkie). May I suggest you guys sharing your fave shake combos, or do you just do milk/powder?
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    one friend backed me up!
    She also bought me two samples to try

    Brand: phd
    Flavours: Strawberry and Chocolate

    anyone else had phd?
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I tried to convince my wife (vegetarian) to start drinking one a day, but she won't. She thinks supplementing is a waste of money (though back in the day when I looked good naked she didn't say anything :P).
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Ahhhh! Bad times!

    it's hard to change someone's views on them...

    I know that on work out days, I will increase my protein! Non workout days differ I guess :)!

    Really wish people would see that they won't make you look like macho body builders. it'd take a lot of effort to get there.

    Sorry for any bad spelling or grammar! keyboard is a wee bit brokenn :(
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Wrong forum.

    Anyways, just make sure to frown when you see them eating crappy food. Also make sure to frown at their fat *kitten* or skinny arms in t-shirts. Lots of good frown-portunities.
  • rede2losemore
    I agree I dont LOVE shakes but they are needed sometimes and I try to use them Just after work outs ! Gaspari is my favorite brand