Plantar fasciitis



  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Have you been to a podiatrist? What does he/she say? When I went they wanted to give me cortisone shots. I declined as I had them on my back and had bad reactions to them. He also gave me special ortho inserts for my shoes as well as special exercises to help the muscles. Most people respond well to flat orthotic (sp?) shoes. I did not. For me the higher the heeled shoe the better. It took a couple of years for mine to go away totally and weight loss has DEFINITELY helped. Do a google search for plantar fasciitis exercises and you'll find all kinds of help. Good luck!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I was diagnosed with this in both feet. I went to a doctor who tried cortisone shots but they didn't work. Finally, I did physical therapy which basically is strengthening your legs and stretching out your ankles. I also wear heel inserts to cushion my feet. They are not bothering me so much anymore although sometimes I still have to back off for a little while.
  • shelbysmom08
    I am in the process of healing my PF. I was fitted for custom orthotics had a cortisone shot (AMAZING) relief of pain felt like i could run a marthon untill it wore off 2 weeks later! THey gave me heat formed othotics untill mine come in they hurt a lot! I ce and stretch and I am in a lot of pain. Best of luck with it. Dr said i have to try for 6-9 months before they conider surgery.
  • gellolicious
    Make sure you are doing a really deep calf stretch for at least 20 long seconds per leg. Best stretch for PF! Ice afterwards too. Keeping your feet flexed as much as possibly during the day helps too. Night splints (which are boots that hold your foot in a flexed position while you sleep) and the deep calf stretch were/are the most effective things for me.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Ouch! I've felt your pain.

    What fixed me was inexpensive over-the-counter orthodics. I tried the custom made podiatrist version ($400) without relief... but the $20 version fixed me. I have them in every pair of shoes I wear.

    Good luck!
  • JenSmith1104
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
  • JVanDam77
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    So... go see a podiatrist, please.

    I got PF over the summer, got the cheaper inserts, healed (or so I thought) and kept on running. Got it again a month ago. Then I sprained my foot a few weeks ago. Finally, I went to see the podiatrist. Turns out I have arthritis in my foot, which is causing me to baby it unconsciously, then I end up causing the PF and the sprain by the way I'm standing, walking, and running on my foot.

    I have orthotics to help with the PF and the arthritis..... so that the PF can finally truly heal and I don't keep re-injuring myself.

    What I am trying to say is, it might be a different cause of your problems than PF, and treating for PF might not truly solve your issues. Going to see an expert might help diagnose/set up a RX plan that works for you!
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I had PF for over 2 years and suffered daily. I finally broke down and bought some New Balance shoes (but made sure the model had the stabilization in that is needed for PF) and stopped being in pain within a couple weeks.

    I work retail and stand on concrete for 8 hours a day so I just figured I would suffer the rest of my life. Now I will only wear good quality shoes with lots of support. I didn't need inserts, just good quality shoes.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    If you are having constant pain or a lot of pain, definitely see a podiatrist. But something that has worked for me and my husband is really simple - y'know those blue knobby dryer balls? I bought two of them and we roll our feet back and forth over them each night before we go to bed and then again briefly in the morning. It was a little tender at first, but they really solved our issues with PF... Here is a link to one place you can get them (I've also seen them in the fabric softener section at Wal-Mart)