Losing inches but not pounds!!

I have been on MFP now for a month, I have only lost 5lbs although I have lost inches and dropped a jean size.

I have been logging everything I eat and have been running 5-6K 4-5 times a week & also doing a step class.

When will the weight start falling off me??


  • I have been on here but started my witless program january5th and I too have lost inches but not poulnds. But that happens sometimes. I went through this after trying to lose weight after my second son. But then after about a month and a half the scale started moving. But I really had to make sure I was eating right. Sometimes it may be because ybare I taking too much sodium. Don't get discouraged, it will come off. Good luck!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Don't worry so much about the scale, especially if you know you're body is changing! It will happen. A jean size… that's wonderful progress!! A number of years back I was doing a training class for walking a mini-marathon and I only lost 5 lbs in that 4-6 week time period… but my legs and backside were way more toned and I felt so much stronger!
  • Slow and steady wins the race. 5 pounds is a good number for a month if you don't have a bunch to lose. Stick with it - Congrats on the 5 pounds!

  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I lost my first 8 lb and took my measurements for the first time. I was feeling great. Then I hoped on that scale the next week and nothing. I have been at a stand still with weight for 3 weeks now. But I took my measurements last week and dropped 5 in over all in 3 weeks. So I am trying really hard to not get discouraged because I am still getting results. I hope this week is better. Keep up the good work. We will all get past this plateu.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Losing inches and dropping a size is awesome! Try not to focus on the scale....you are seeing results, feel proud of yourself. I honestly don't even weigh myself much anymore, just focus on body fat measurement and inches.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have been on MFP now for a month, I have only lost 5lbs although I have lost inches and dropped a jean size.

    I have been logging everything I eat and have been running 5-6K 4-5 times a week & also doing a step class.

    When will the weight start falling off me??

    How much are you eating daily?

    Please dont say 1200.....
  • ljmilld41
    ljmilld41 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat, but you shouldn't be discouraged. You're making progress. Think how long it took to put the weight on, and just give yourself time. I also started at the beginning of the month and am only down 5 pounds, despite working out 5-6 days a week. However my jeans that were too tight now fit comfortably. My "fat" jeans are baggy and require a belt, so it is working.:smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you're losing inches and sizes, why do you care about the pounds?! No one can see how many pounds you weigh. They can only see you look better.


  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    ONLY??? 5 lbs in a month is great. Losing a jean size is even better. I have lost 12 lbs and still not a jean size. Stick with it...sounds like your results are great to me. Just remember, it is NOT about what the scale says. Losing inches = a smaller you.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    LoL, i just gained a pound since last week - but lost an inch - so i am not complaining.

    unless you're way overweight, weight should become a secondary concern. being in shape would be the first...
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    Hey- I'm kind of in this boat too. I've lost a little over 4 pounds, but just bought a new pair of jeans this past weekend that are a size smaller. I definitely eat more than 1200 calories a day, but with a lot of long distance running and other activities, I think I would die if I didn't. I'm pretty good watching the calories during the week, but find I eat way too much over the weekends. Not sure if you have that too, but I'm going to try and keep the weekends in check and see if that makes progress faster. Overall, I'm more concerned with pants size and toning than the scale, so if that keeps on changing for the better, then I'm happy!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Hard concept to wrap your head around...it took me years to finally get it...muscle and fat can weigh the same, but muscle is much denser, so it is smaller. So you can weigh the same, and be smaller. Try not to get too obsessed with the scale...you are obviously losing and doing great!!!
  • Thanks for all your comments and support!!!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    I know it is hard to see it, but losing inches really should be the goal! Stop with the scale and start taking measurements of your body. Pictures too, that will help! I totally feel your pain, I had been working my tail off at the gym and eating right... the scale was not moving. But, luckily someone told me to take total body measurements ( I mean from my neck to my ankles) and 30 days later, I had gained 1 lb... but lost 15 inches over my entire body! This seems especially true if you are doing any weight lifting. Keep it up... you will see the difference!
  • If you're losing inches and sizes, why do you care about the pounds?! No one can see how many pounds you weigh. They can only see you look better.



    Exactly! Would you rather weigh less or look like you do? There are people on here that lose weight but no inches, I know which side I would rather be on!
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    5 pounds in a month is good!

    Fat is big in volume, so for a given pound you are talking a significant volume.

    This pic is of a woman holding a replica of 5 pounds of body fat.

  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Don't worry so much about the scale, especially if you know you're body is changing! It will happen. A jean size… that's wonderful progress!! A number of years back I was doing a training class for walking a mini-marathon and I only lost 5 lbs in that 4-6 week time period… but my legs and backside were way more toned and I felt so much stronger!

    ^^This! I did a six week weight loss program at my gym several months ago. I only lost 9lbs, but I lost 12 inches total, bodyfat was down almost 2%, and I lost a whole dress size...not to mention, I felt fantastic. Even though I want the scale to reflect my hard work at some point, it's more important to me that my measurements indicate that my body is getting smaller.
  • KCalmeyn
    KCalmeyn Posts: 36 Member
    I feel your pain. I started MFP 7 weeks ago. In the first 5 weeks I lost 12.2 pounds. The last few weeks I added weight training to my workouts. Last week I had a GAIN of .4 pounds and only a loss of .2 pounds this week all the while meeting my calorie defict and eating back most of my exercise calories. It is frusterating, but try not to get discouraged. Keep with it, eventually the pounds will catch up with the inches lost.

    Good Luck.
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    If you're losing inches and sizes, why do you care about the pounds?! No one can see how many pounds you weigh. They can only see you look better.

    I completely agree!