Is 1200 really enough?

Hey all! I've been doing MFP for about 2 months now. My first two weeks I lost 4 lbs each week. Since then, maybe a pound a week. My question is this. I'm working out at least 3-4 times a week, burning 500 calories every time. My daily calorie allowance is 1200. I'm I just not eating enough? I'm losing inches, which is fantastic! But I'm trying to figure out if my weight is at a standstill due to things within my control (what I am eating) or if I'm at a plateau already. Any advice?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My advice to you is patience!! And be proud of how much you've lost so far - that's fantastic!! It's not a plateau if you're still losing or even if you haven't lost in a week or two - it's probably just your body adjusting to your new lifestyle.

    Your weight loss goal may be set too high (assuming the ticker on your profile page is reflecting your total goal and not a mini goal). With only 13 or so pounds left to lose, your goal should be set at 1 pound loss per week maximum, 1/2 pound per week would probably be more reasonable. It's hard to think that's all you'd lose per week when you watch any of the reality weight loss shows or maybe have a friend with more to lose who can lose 2 or more pounds per week but the reality is, when you're not obese, you have to set your goals a bit lower.

    You didn't say whether or not you're eating back your exercise calories - if you're not, try doing that too. If you are, keep at it.

    One other possibility is that you need to switch up your exercise routine. Our bodies quickly adapt to the same activities after a while. Add strength training if you're not currently doing that and/or up the weights if you are. As far as cardio, either try new things or increase the intensity.

    Please keep in mind that when you make changes in your activity level, your weight loss may stall but you should continue to lose inches. The scale's not always the best judge of accomplishments.
  • Mblee_music
    Mblee_music Posts: 4 Member
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Hey all! I've been doing MFP for about 2 months now. My first two weeks I lost 4 lbs each week. Since then, maybe a pound a week. My question is this. I'm working out at least 3-4 times a week, burning 500 calories every time. My daily calorie allowance is 1200. I'm I just not eating enough? I'm losing inches, which is fantastic! But I'm trying to figure out if my weight is at a standstill due to things within my control (what I am eating) or if I'm at a plateau already. Any advice?

    you measure progress in inches, not pounds. weight is a pretty stupid way to measure progress, even though everyone does it.
    the first two weeks, you lost water weight, and your bowels/stomach had less food in them then when you started... your progress didnt slow, its just more realistic now.

    just keep at it....
  • momof2winsplus
    momof2winsplus Posts: 137 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you are only eating 1200 and burning 500 of that on exercise, then you are only eating 700 net a day. No, that is not enough. But the first few weeks weight loss is your water weight, after that it is "real" weight loss. 1 lb a week is great. Try eating more and you may do better, though.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    4 lbs a week in the beginning is usually just water and is not "normal" or indicative of future losses. If you are still losing a lb a week then you are doing fine.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    I ate at 1200 for a month when I started in October. I hit a plateau after a couple of weeks and couldn't break it until I way upped my calories. First went up to 1460, and now I'm at 1600. It has helped me. I'm set to lose 1/2 a lb a week, and I usually lose about 1lb a month. That being said, I only have a few to go and I'm in no rush. I've been focusing on heavy lifting and building my cardio stamina to improve my overall health. Listen to your body. If you are hungry- eat more food. If nothing is happening, switch it up. Most of all- don't worry! As long as you continue to eat at a small deficit the weight will come off eventually. :) Best of luck!
  • Mblee_music
    Mblee_music Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much! I'm really going to take into consideration that my calorie intake is too low, especially on days that I exercise. At the start of this (MFP) I was considered obese. My target weight is 130, which is the top of my 'normal' range. I also realized that lately, I eat a good 60% or more of my intake at or after dinner. I'm trying to space it out more during the day. :)

    Thanks for the encouragement!