how will MFP help?

hello, i joined 5 days back and from then i have been counting my calories. i also excercise for 1 and half hour. my goal is to eat 1200 cals per day. i basically dont see what am eating but do take care that i keep it below 1200 cals per day! is that a good way or i am supp to eat fiber! i weigh 134 lbs now. my height being 5'3


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It will help in a number of ways:
    - MFP friends will hold you accountable (if you let them see your diary).
    - MFP friends will applaud your successes and support you through your downs/plateaus.
    - The MFP forums are a great resource (learn from other's successes).
    - Tons of inspiring stories and people on MFP.
    - The food diary will help teach you how to get the proper nutrition (protein, fat, carbs, sodium, etc.)
    - By looking at what your MFP friends are eating, you'll get good ideas for yourself.
    - You'll see your success every day you log in.
    - You'll make friends that have the same goals, rather than folks that are living unhealthy lifestyles.