Other than 30 Day Shred, what Jillian Michaels workout would



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I am probably a bit too into the Jillian Michaels workouts. I use a variety of her dvds from Yoga Meltdown, 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones, 6 Week 6 Pack, Burn Fat Boost Metabolism, & Killer Buns and Thighs. I will be starting her Ripped in 30 on March 1st. Really looking forward to the challenge and the results.

    I know some people don't like her style and everybody is entitled to their own opinions but for me her dvds give me great results, a workout I look forward to doing and a variety that allows me to choose my intensity and/or the amount of time I workout.

    how is the yoga meltdown? how long is it?
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
    i have a couple days left of level 2 and then will be moving on to level 3, so looking to see what to do next

    btw: time is an issue for me too. 20-30 mins is perfect
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    The great thing about the NMTZ one is you can pick which circuits you want to do if you don't have time for the whole thing. My other favorites of hers are the Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and old school Jillian Cardio Kickbox (look for Biggest Winner workout on Amazon).

    ETA: I got this guide for NMTZ off Amazon.com - it comes in really handy!

    Warmup: Basic marching in place, jumping rope (no rope needed), arm circles, skaters (simulate speed skating) and jumping jacks. Then you repeat the entire sequence for a complete five minutes.

    Circuit #1- Shoulder & Legs
    - Squat with Shoulder Press
    - Backwards Lunge with Side Shoulder Raise (repeat on other leg)
    - Chair Squat with Front Shoulder Raise
    - Front Shoulder PressOuts

    Circuit #2- Chest & Abs
    - Chest Press with a Crunch
    - Chest Fly with Double Leg Raise
    - Bicycle Crunches
    - Squirms
    - PushUp

    Circuit #3- Biceps & Butt
    - Deadlift with Hammer Curl
    - Static Squat with Concentration Curl
    - Front Lunge with Wide Grip Curl (repeat on other leg)
    - Side Lunge with Biceps Curl

    Circuit #4- Thighs & Triceps
    - Chair Pose with Triceps Kickback
    - Sumo Squat with Overhead Triceps Press
    - Surrender (step back and down to kneeling position then stand up again)
    - Forward Lunge with Triceps Pushback (repeat on other leg)

    Circuit #5- Core
    - Double Crunches
    - Twisting Plank
    - Plank with ToeTaps (repeat with other leg)
    - Windshield Wipers (lying down lift both legs and move from side-to-side)

    Circuit #6- Upper Body & Core
    - Plank with Back Rows
    - Superman
    - Scissor Kicks
    - Pelvic Thrusts (repeat on other leg)

    Circuit #7- Lower Body & Core
    - Side Plank
    - Side Lying Leg Raise
    - Inner Thigh Raise
    - Donkey Kicks
    - Fire Hydrant with Kick

    Then relax with a nice cooldown.

    Thank you!! :smile:
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Ripped in 30 has the exact same formula as 30 Day Shred, 3 mins strength, 2 cardio, 1 abs, I really recommend if, like me, you have a busy family and are short on time. Another good one is Killer Buns and Thighs which I have only done once so far. I dont ache with 30DS or Ripped, but with Killer Buns and Thighs I felt like I had put in a good workout!!!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    Done 30 day Shred, Done Extreme Shed and Shred, now I am doing her Ripped in 30 and 6w/6pack able together and I love them both. I am on week 4 for both of them, after I am done I am going to do her Shred it with weights and 6 w/6 p abs together. I think you will love all her workouts, and the only one I was so ready to be done with was extreme sherd and shred....lol
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I just got done the 30DS and am doing Ripped in 30, I like it so far