What should I say? What should I do?

Almost everytime I tell myself "Okay today I'm going to log my food and stay within my calories" I turn around someone buys me food for lunch or dinner the food is very unhealthy and hate to say it...delcious -_- . I'm a nice person and I tell them thank you for it and they didnt have to do this but sometimes I wish I can tell them dont buy me anymore food or get me something healthier to eat. Idk what to do or what to say. :/ can someone help me please?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm going to be blunt here and I'm not saying this to be a pecker:

    Are they also putting the food into your mouth and how badly do you want to get in shape?

    Please understand I'm not taking any sort of tone with you when I say this.

    You have to draw a line somewhere.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Well shxt bro.....idk everytime I dont touch it they get all offended maybe I should throw the food away behind their back....but yet that's a waste of money and food.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    if you REALLY want to lose the pounds..you are going to have to stop making excuses for yurself. Every day at my job EVERYONE goes to lunch, buys food for each other etc. For the most part i don't go to lunch. I eat my boring tuna and brown rice. However i know that it's good for me. We all love to eat delicious foods but the difference is those of us that have the will to reach or goals versus those willing to make excuses. If you say NO one time they wouldn't buy anymore. It's your choice!
  • apvalletta
    apvalletta Posts: 110 Member
    I understand & it is very difficult. Maybe if you tried explaining to them what your goals are they would be more understanding. I've been having the same issues & have suggested we go somewhere where I have healthier options, this way everyone can get what they want (or need). Good luck!!
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Throw the food away. I once heard somebody say "it's better off in the trash than on your *kitten*." The bad/excess food can either be in the trash can or stored in your gut, hips, and thighs. Your choice! Also, tell them you're trying to live a healthy lifestyle and that they shouldn't buy you crap.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Almost everytime I tell myself "Okay today I'm going to log my food and stay within my calories" I turn around someone buys me food for lunch or dinner the food is very unhealthy and hate to say it...delcious -_- . I'm a nice person and I tell them thank you for it and they didnt have to do this but sometimes I wish I can tell them dont buy me anymore food or get me something healthier to eat. Idk what to do or what to say. :/ can someone help me please?

    it's peer pressure in a sense, your friends or whomever are not trying to hurt you, but trying to be nice. but, your only real commitment is to YOU. and once they see your healthy habits, and how much you respect staying within those boundaries, they will encourage you to keep it up. heck, they might start bringing you your water and granola bars, or whatever you are into :)
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Well shxt bro.....idk everytime I dont touch it they get all offended maybe I should throw the food away behind their back....but yet that's a waste of money and food.

    is it not also wasteful to overconsume and not truly appreciate what is being taken in?
  • Ceebee37
    I think you have to be honest with yourself and with them, it's the only way. If you were serious about weight loss you would be able to be upfront and be strong enough to resist temptation.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Are these people aware that you are making efforts to eat well? If not, I think it would be helpful to let them know. Also, I think it's best if you have your own meals on hand. I wouldn't worry too much about them getting offended. If somebody just brings food to you without asking if you'd like something, then they should expect that maybe you'd rebuff their offers. Or maybe this has been going on for a while in the past, and then you've changed your eating habits? In any case, you just need to let them know. I understand about not wanting to offend or hurt feelings, but in the end, it benefits everybody involved.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    You should just explain that you are focusing on your health and that if they want to buy you something they can buy you something healthy instead.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Instead of saying "Thank you" try saying "No thank you!"
    It's still polite.
    Take your own food to work or whatever. If someone offers to buy lunch, you just say "No thank you, I brought mine today". It's OK to say no.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Just tell them that you are really trying to watch what you eat and that while you appreciate that they are trying to do something nice for you, you can not accept it. I have had to do that a lot lately and sometimes people act like they don't understand but eventually they get hte picture.
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    FlyByJuly said it perfectly!!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Do they know you are eating healthy/losing weight? If they don't you need to tell them. If they do then you have to either a) be blunt and say "I appreciate you getting my lunch for me and I'm grateful but I need to start eating healthy foods." or b) "I'm thinking of bringing my lunch in from home tomorrow, would you like me to bring you some too?"

    You need to be assertive, at the end of the day, this is YOUR body and you need to take control of it. Otherwise, everything you do good is being counteracted by the crap you eat.

    Good luck.

    (I'm what a person wold call a 'People Pleaser' so I understand where you are coming from in not wanting to hurt their feelings but you have to put your foot down sooner or later, the sooner you do it, the less worry you will have over it.)
  • gleechick609
    When I first started MFP, my co-worker kept buying me breakfast. And not the healthy banana and yogurt parfait kind of breakfast. Burger King greasy sausage burritos, Dunkin Donuts chocolate glazed donuts and McDonalds steak and cheese bagels.
    After the first week or so, I was nice and ate the food she brought. After all, I never told her about my weight loss goals. I really wanted to keep private about it. I didn't want to take the food in the bathroom and shove it under the garbage. What she found it?? LOL. But I had to make a decision. Eating like this 3-4 times was not going to get my to my 54 lb weight loss goal. So one morning, I sat down with her and said, "Betsy, I really appreciate you thinking of me in the morning and bringing me breakfast but going forward, I am not going to be able to eat this anymore. I have to get serious about getting this weight off. Carrying around 60 extra pounds is affecting my health. It doesn't mean that I won't ever eat this kind of stuff. But once every two weeks or so is my limit. I hope you understand."

    She was fine about it! So just sit down with your co-workers and tell them! Maybe make a lunch date once every two weeks or month where you can all go out to eat and enjoy lunch together!

    Good luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No excuses, or else.

  • Graciecny
    Thank them profusely for thinking of you, and let them know you're set for lunch (or whichever meal is in question). If necessary, I'd politely let them know that you aren't eating [insert whatever food] any more - if you want to tell them you are watching your diet, whatever. And then give it back to them! I'd say "oh, I'd be too tempted to eat it if it were sitting here, why don't you take it and enjoy it later?" Friends WILL understand. If they aren't friends, who give a %^&* what they think?! :laugh:

    If you can't do that, then in my opinion you are making a conscious decision to eat whatever it is they are bringing you because you choose to do so.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    Eat half, say you are full, either take the rest with you or throw it away. It's better to waste food if that's what it takes to reach your goal. In the beginning I gave myself permission to eat anything as long it was half of what I normally would eat. I stopped getting fast food because it bothered me to throw out half a hamburger or milkshake. I made healthier versions at home in the right portions. I say to myself, "I don't have discretionary calories" for this until I have reached my weight goal.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Well, I'm going to be honest and please take my words as the loving things they are.

    I have been there, I have "had" to eat what they were eating.

    And then, I woke up, and I decided my health was more important than making everyone else around me happy. And I got serious about my weight loss. It is not easy, and yea, they'll have to deal with their feelings of rejection, but you have to decide what is more important to *you* in your life.

    I do not participate in the breakfasts and what not because 9 times out of 10, they aren't as healthy or as filling as what I eat for breakfast or pack for lunch. And it has not harmed my position in my company or my standing with my coworkers. They all see the results of my hard work and they now understand my "no, thank you" attitude to fast food.

    Now, I do treat myself once a week, or so, by eating at my mom's. And she almost always sends home a goody bag, no matter how much I refuse. And when I get home, I throw it out. Some things I know I cannot do in moderation, and I have to take a stand because I am overweight and have to lose this weight to be the best me I can be.

    Everyone is different, but until we all take our health seriously excuses will be abundant.

    I wish you luck in this, you can do it, but it isn't going to be easy. :flowerforyou:
  • sara1923
    I have blamed medical conditions when I didnt want food. (I wish I could have that milkshake but dairy always makes me sick). The easiest thing to do is to just say No thank you I just got done eating. If there are people that continue to want to go out to eat, always eat before meeting them. If you have to eat out, I would ask if they would mind if you went to some healthy restaurant that you wanted to try. I had a guy I had been dating buy me chocolates for sweetest day after me telling him days before that I was cutting out dairy/gluten. I said thank you and then bought the chocolates into my break room at work. I like to blame medical conditions the most because people instantly stop bugging you. This tends to work better if the person doesnt know you. I have told people I had celiac disease, diabetes or just say I am allergic if I dont like something (Jagermeister). I wish I could say that explaining your healthy decisions works but I was vegetarian for two years and after having people continue to ask me why I would do it and me explaining it all the time I got sick of it and just started to say I had celiac disease and that meat can contain some gluten byproduct. This may be a horrible approach but it works.