:'( OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I do this to myself every sing



  • letashatastic
    letashatastic Posts: 10 Member
    My diet sabatoge is on the weekends, special events, holidays and stressful situations. I have found that I am an emotional and social eater. I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds as well. Still looking for what works for me and it seems to change as I have moved into my 30's. Planning ahead seems to help but then I like to break rules and plans ... not sure how to get myself to stick to the plan. Anybody have a spare tazer to keep me self disciplined?! Everything in moderation seems to turn into 400 over my calories for the day and no weight loss ... but sticking to my plan makes me moody. Anyways ... you are not alone! I have been counting calories for 14 years and still working at it!