just a little whining--- losing weight without exercise? and



  • Jess11079
    3 years ago I went on a low cal diet with no excercise and I lost 43lbs in 7 months. I gained 20 of those lbs back and thats what prompted me to diet again but this time with excercise.....Ive lost 20lbs in 6 weeks. So im back to the weight i was after the first diet.....the difference.........I have a waist! You will lose weight with or without excercise but you lose more inches and parts of your body become way more defined with excercise. Im currently the same weight i was after my first diet but i look and feel better....so keep on excercising!
  • mignik68
    I lost 38 pounds with HCG in a month and half. You can not exercis on ths program. That was 8 months ago and I have gained 15 pound back. I relized two things. 1. Everything turns to mush and sags 2. It Crees back on. I am not eating 1200 calories and working out 6 days a week. I relized it is a lifestyle change. I love the feel of my muscles. I have o ly let 5 pounds in 3 weeks but I am excited about keeping it off for good.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I am able to lose weight by just eating well and not working out. I work out though as well but I have done it before. And I really feel that it depends on the person whether or not someone would be able to tell if the person was working out because when I don't work out I still look the same and have always looked like I work out lol. its wierd but I am def. not complaining. So I think it depends on the persons genetics.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I've lost both ways at a similar pace, but I am loving the feeling and sight of muscles developing. I love that my lung capacity has improved, that my stamina has increased and that I am going outdoors more. I can do more in a day. I feel more 'alive' when I exercise than when I don't. At the end of the day, it isn't all about the number on the scale. It's about being healthy and having a quality of life that you love. If you happen to look fantastic in (or out of) your clothes, that's the icing on the cake.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without exercising.... A friend of mine lost 60 lbs just eating right. She exercised only once a week- and not even every week.

    I usually exercise.... but last week I didn't and I still lost 5 lbs!!! That said I plan on exercising more often... because I don't just want to be skinny, I want to be FIT!
  • viclee
    viclee Posts: 4 Member
    Exercise is not just good for losing weight. It keeps your heart healthy, it reduces stress, helps keep your bones strong, sweating is great for your complextion ;o) and obviously keeps your body tonned and strong. And after you start to feel and see the results you just all around feel better. Plus you will lose weight faster. Cardio is great for dropping the pounds and is good for your heart. Strength training is also great because as you tone and build muscle you are also speeding up you metabolism and thus you burn fat at rest too... bonus!! It is hard to get yourself going but once you are into a routine and see results it does get easier. All the best to you on your journey :o)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight through diet alone but the human body is remarkably adaptive, if you simply reduce caloric intake your body will eventually consider this the new normal and you may, in fact, lose muscle mass as your body attempts to reduce caloric requirements..

    Strength exercise is vital to maintaining lean muscle mass (especially in males over 40) and a host of other benefits (bone density, balance, injury resistance) but may be deceptive if you are judging your success solely on the number appearing on your scale as muscle is denser than fat.

    If you're looking for a long term, sustainable change in your lifestyle your exercise program should include both cardio and strength.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Genetics indeed play a key role in this as well.
  • jdbagley3
    The majority of what I've lost so far has been done without exercise. I did ride the stationary bike twice during the past month but for me it has been eating right, right choices, right portions. I do plan on getting more active after a few more pounds. I have a weak ankle due to tearing it up a couple of times and am getting my weight down a little before I put too much stress on it.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    The majority of what I've lost so far has been done without exercise. I did ride the stationary bike twice during the past month but for me it has been eating right, right choices, right portions. I do plan on getting more active after a few more pounds. I have a weak ankle due to tearing it up a couple of times and am getting my weight down a little before I put too much stress on it.

    Nothing wrong with this. That's also probably wise. I started off at 245 lbs and while I lost decent weight and toned up, I did develop a bone spur in my heel and a bulging disc in my back from running while obese.
  • clwatlington
    clwatlington Posts: 54 Member
    Sewerurchin I love what you said! I've kmown people to lose weight on diet alone bu it looks saggy.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I did. 91 pounds.