The Biggest Loser



  • angiebabes84
    angiebabes84 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh I cant wait for this to come to the UK. We are only on season 10 i think, with the yellow line half way up the board! and Jill is still on it! Lots to look forward to though! x
  • rebecca_chess
    rebecca_chess Posts: 101 Member
    I am sooooooooooo ready for Conda to go the hell home!!! I really don't like this season at all. I sure hope the producers go back to the way previous seasons were aired. Where is the inspiration this season? The only two players who aren't all "dramatized" are Buddy & Mark, in my view....everyone else is just full of it. I can't wait until it's over. I do like Emily and hope she doesn't fall into the "Conda-Trap" again. :grumble:
  • I thought it was ridiculous that Daphne kept saying that they sabatoged her by eating BREAD, really bread is the enemy now!!

    They are just continually putting misinformation out there that the general public is eating up like gospel. I do like to see the transformations but for me the "diet" and fitness aspect of it is misleading.

    I'd really like to see all the contestants as they are today and see what the success rate really is. I just met Ali Vincent (the 1st female winner), she looks great and has kept a majority of the weight off.
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    I also don't like this season so far! Conda is manipulative!! Does anyone else find it interesting that the past 2 weeks the red team was without Conda and they all lost good numbers??? We'll see next week when the black team isn't dropping as much weight on the scale because of all the drama and negative energy that Conda brings to the team. I do think that Daphne shouldn't have bothered to get revenge...her revenge should have been by beating Conda on the scales each week! One thing that did disgust me was how the red team welcomed Jeremy with open arms but didnt' extend the same courtesy to Adrian when he earned his way back onto the ranch???
  • The show has become a farce of itself. The challenges are set up to cause conflict. Its not just about the weight loss anymore...its about the the same manner that Hells Kitchen isnt really about the food, its about Ramsey calling people donkeys.I dvr it so I can watch it in 20 minutes or less, eliminate the drama.of course, reality junkies need that drama......
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Thank goodness I am not the only one feeling this way! Don't even get me started with Conda..... :mad: On a brighter note- we can all be proud we are using MFP to make ourselves healthier! :flowerforyou:
  • corinneal
    corinneal Posts: 8 Member
    I also love the show. there was only one other season where I completely disliked all the contestants. This one is not so bad except for Conda, Daphne and her brother. Those 2 came into the house with so much attitude that they were unlikable. I think they tried to be cute at first but it backfired and they just got obnoxious. As much as I dislike Conda, I think that the right move was to send Daphne home. She was like a cancer in the house. Next has got to be Conda. Then we'll see what other personalities there are in the house because Conda's is so strong no one elses personality can come through!
    I DVR'd last night and zipped through most of it so I didn't realize that the black team conspired to lose the weigh in. Smart to get rid of someone. The drama is fun to watch in a train wreck sort of way but there is no way that I would be able to do that!
  • I watched TBL for a couple seasons when it first started. Then after a while I just found it unbearable. Now I KNOW entertainment is the show's first and foremost goal. But as someone who is trying to lose weight (like most of us) the drama and bull just started outweighing the value. It began to seem like all the fluff was the most important thing to the producers.

    What really turned me off was the 2 hour shows where it would be 30 min of personal stories (fair enough, gotta get the audience invested/inspired), 15 min of health and nutrition info (awesome), and then 45-60 minutes of "weigh-in" drama and teasers (awful).

    About 3 months ago I tuned in again just to see what the show was like now and the first thing I saw was some temptation challenge where I was subjected to morbidly obese people (like me) stuffing their faces full of thousand upon thousands of calories from the worst junk food imaginable. I realize it's all part of the game, but it was just too much.

    I've also read that many of the contestants have gained back most if not all of the weight they lost for the show, and that there are many instances of contestants dehydrating themselves before weigh-ins to put up smaller numbers on the scale.

    Obviously many people find the show entertaining and the stories captivating, but can anyone honestly say that the show is helping anyone?

    And if not, how can so many support a show that bills itself as helping people get healthy when the results seem to prove the exact opposite?
  • Dang! Didn't mean to kill this thread with my rant! Haha :blushing:
  • I MISS JILLIAN!!!! I LOVE this show, also. i lift and do crunches during the commercials to get an extra workout in =) this season sucks. i don't like conda AT ALL. the aqua team didn't stand a chance. i'm so disappointed that the guys haven't honed in on conda and her excuses and manipulations. i sure hope next season is better.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    this is the first season i decided to check it out. i think i've watched...4 episodes. i hate it, and dont plan on watching it anymore.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    I have a theory - ratings were down since Jillian left, so the producers decided to attract viewers with all this drama. I don't think it's working!!!!
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I've always like the show because of the personal stories, the commitment, determination, the sweat 'n tears, the emotional breakthroughs, and of course, the weekly progress. This season?...bleh. I fell asleep last night.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    It's frustrating to watch it, when you want these people to be taking advantage of the opportunity, but it is a reality show, so they will edit to accentuate the drama.... on the up side, there's Dolvett to look at!
  • I don't watch but I heard on the radio this morning that all of the remaining contestants have banded together and walked off the set in a protest to a "twist" in the show. Apparently, they were going to allow previous contestants(from other seasons) come back for another chance to win.

    Here's the article... It's from TMZ so I'm not sure how accurate it is :laugh:

    I think this is for the next season that they are taping currently....since the season we are watching has already been taped.....only the finale is live - which is like 4 months after they leave the ranch. So I'm guessing we will see more drama next season.