Zig Zag Calories to help with a weight plateau?

Okay ya'll, here are the stats. Started journey in January 2011 at 225 and joined Weight Watchers and dropped to 212. September 2011, started dabbling in Paleo, limited sugar, no processed foods and eliminated grains & dairy and felt AWESOME! No cravings and hit 205 and plateaued.

Since starting MFP in January 2012 to track calories more consistently I'm not at 201 and I want to be under 200. So I was looking at doing a little zig zag calories from this site: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm. Anyone have any experience?

Exercise side- I need to do more weight lifting and I'm thinking Tabata training. Any positive advice is helpful!


  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    Im stuck at 201 too i was just posting about this,,,wondering how to long it in... i will be watching this