Medifast..Is any doing it? Or has anyone tried it?

My sister is doing it and she's lost SO much weight. I want to give it a try but I need some real input. Everything I've seen on the internet seems to be folks that are paid advertisers. I want the real deal from real people LOL. My fear is that I'd be successful at it, then gain a bunch back after going back to normal food. HELP! I need advice!


  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    My sister is doing it and she's lost SO much weight. I want to give it a try but I need some real input. Everything I've seen on the internet seems to be folks that are paid advertisers. I want the real deal from real people LOL. My fear is that I'd be successful at it, then gain a bunch back after going back to normal food. HELP! I need advice!

    GET ready for backlash! I havent di it but I have heard once you go back to real food you gain soome back.
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    Backlash from the diet or from folks here? I haven't done it, just something to consider. I'm graduating in 80 days I want to look good/feel good. Counting calories works, but it's soo sloooooowww
  • HappilySingle
    HappilySingle Posts: 149 Member
    Is this the diet where you eat about 500 calories a day of severely limited food and ger weekly shots and take vitamins? My uncle/cousin have done it. Of course you will loose weight. You're eating only 500 calories a day. Of course you WILL gain it back (probably all of it or even more).

    I wouldn't recomend it. Anything that severely restricts what you eat or how much you will never, in my opinion, be sucessful
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I did it along time ago and gained all of it back plus. It might help to jump start your program but counting calories really is the best way even if it is(and it is) really slow.
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    Is this the diet where you eat about 500 calories a day of severely limited food and ger weekly shots and take vitamins? My uncle/cousin have done it. Of course you will loose weight. You're eating only 500 calories a day. Of course you WILL gain it back (probably all of it or even more).

    I wouldn't recomend it. Anything that severely restricts what you eat or how much you will never, in my opinion, be sucessful

    No, its not that. No shots, just pre-packaged food, shakes, snacks, etc. It's pretty spendy too.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Just another gimmick. Yes, it will help you lose weight because you are eating just their food so you have portion control. However where are your fresh foods? Foods without preservatives and chemicals?

    Yes, calorie counting is slow but what do you expect? You didn't put it on quickly so it won't come off quickly. Quick weight loss is not healthy unless you are very large to begin with.