Anyone else grown their own food....?



  • plumnbagel
    plumnbagel Posts: 184 Member
    Yep, three or four per stalk seems about right. My mistake last year was planting a long row of them that blocked the sunlight for the stuff growing close by. I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm planning this year.
    I've grown carrots (which didn't really seem that much tastier than the organic ones in the store, but were fun and easy to grow), radishes (ditto), peppers, and lettuce, but the most satisfying and delicious things I've grown are sweet corn and tomatoes. I love watching the corn stalks grow taller than me, even though they don't yield as much as I wish they did.
    And comparing a garden tomato to a store tomato is like comparing a Ferrari to a Yugo - I suppose they're the same thing, but they are in no way alike.
    Ooh, man, now I can't wait for fresh tomatoes!
    PS The one regret I had was the year I planted fresh herbs too close to the garden. They just shot through everything else and it ended up more work than pulling weeds.

    AMEN ON THE GARDEN TOMATOES!!! So, please tell many ears of corn per stalk? 3 or 4??? This year will be my first go round with corn...
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks Plumnbagel.... i think i'll keep the corn completely separate from my main garden area because i don't want to sacrifice all the space. With only a few ears per stalk, i will need quite a bit to get the yields i want (assuming we are successful).

    **EDIT: i remember reading somewhere that i should grown corn in a square (many short rows) instead of long single rows. Something about better pollination????? Can't remember the details now, but will research soon when it's getting closer to planting time!