Meals for me...meals for my 15 year old son's raging metabol



  • afrazier128
    afrazier128 Posts: 99 Member
    Leftovers. Make bigger meals (like you're cooking for an army) when you do have the time to cook, then refrigerate or freeze the leftovers.

    ^^^^And this! There are only 3 of us at home, but when I cook, I REALLY cook! That way there are leftovers!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Crock pot.

    It's worth its weight in gold.
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    I hear you on this one - I used to have to make quick dinners when I got home from work to feed my son which is why I am the pasta queen around here. LOL

    I used to spend one Sunday a month making a bunch of stuff for my freezer. Because I was doing it all at once I saved money buying bulk items to use rather than a little of this and a little of that. I found it easiest to make tomato-based stuff at the time since it was the most versatile, pretty cheap and fairly healthy. So, normally I would make a pasta sauce (with veggies), a tomato soup base (I use V8 juice or something for the starter which adds lots of veggies to it), and sometimes a pizza sauce (this was really a plain tomato sauce with blenderized veggies that could be put on mini pizza's really quick.)

    Grated carrots or zucchini are great thickeners in sauces. I've also found making some compromises with my son went a long way. For a while he hated peas and I have never enjoyed cooked carrots. So, every now and again I would make peas and he would have to eat one tablespoon of them. Then, another time I would make cooked carrots and I would eat a tablespoon of them.

    With sauces in the freezer and a bit of menu planning on the fridge, there is no reason why your son can't cook up some pasta, heat a sauce and have dinner on the table for you some nights.

    Good luck - I know it's not easy but I'm certain you can find some ideas that work for you.
  • afrazier128
    afrazier128 Posts: 99 Member
    Its easy to sneak veggies into pizza sauce & pasta sauce!! Cook them up, run them through a blender & dump them on into the sauce. He will never know the difference ; )

    hahaha looks like great minds think alike ;-)

    Any time I make pasta, spinach is a great sneaky add-in!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Our kids eat what we cook for dinner. No separate dishes for them. If they don't like it then they go to bed hungry. They always eat it. ;)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    My mum used to mash cauliflower in with my brother's mashed potato.
    He wouldn't touch veggies, now he only eats peas & carrots.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Our kids eat what we cook for dinner. No separate dishes for them. If they don't like it then they go to bed hungry. They always eat it. ;)

    This is exactly how I was brought up. Used to have the saying "Eat it or wear it on your head" (as a joke, obviously, if we didn't eat it then we didn't eat it.) the thought of having food in our hair always made us eat hahaha.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Our kids eat what we cook for dinner. No separate dishes for them. If they don't like it then they go to bed hungry. They always eat it. ;)

    This is exactly how I was brought up. Used to have the saying "Eat it or wear it on your head" (as a joke, obviously, if we didn't eat it then we didn't eat it.) the thought of having food in our hair always made us eat hahaha.

    I was brought up that way too--and my son is good about eating what I cook sans veggies.

    I'm so lucky in every other way with him (excellent grades, polite, pleasant, kind to animals and less popular kids, no drugs) that I'm not going to make food into an issue. I just want to be able to have my veggies, while sneaking them into his diet! :smile:

    I've been perusing the website and I've already found several things he'd enjoy that allow me to slip in the veggies virtually unnoticed. Looks like I'll be spending my Sunday cooking and freezing.
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    I've got twin 15 year old boys and feel your pain. What I've been doing recently is making smoothies (for a late snack or breakfast) and putting spinach in them (along with a decent tasting protein powder and fruit). You cannot taste the spinach. Many people on MFP make these. MFP is where I got the idea!

    It's just another way to slip in the veggies! =)