blood test results

ok so i got my blood test results back today and not so good
my fasting blood sugar and cholesterol are boderline elevated

can anyone help to tell me what to eat and what not to eat to fix this?
you can look at my dairy if that helps


  • roadworthy
    If I could choose one item to help with it would be breakfast cereal. Try to stay away from anything sugar coated. Maybe try eating old fashioned oats? The ones that take 10 minutes or more to cook. You can dress that up with fruit, cinnamon, anything you like for flavour really.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    ok so i got my blood test results back today and not so good
    my fasting blood sugar and cholesterol are boderline elevated

    can anyone help to tell me what to eat and what not to eat to fix this?
    you can look at my dairy if that helps

    if you do not want diabetes, lift weights, do daily excercise

    Avoid high GI foods. dont eat foods with GI index above 55.

    Excercise should lower cholesterol.
    Eat healthy fats like organic hemp and flaxseed oils.

    Dont eat cereal. it is very high GI.

  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    There is actually something called "Metabolic Syndrome." google it - tons of info for you. Basically you'll want to focus on low-GI foods, lots of protein and fiber, stay away from sugars, and get some exercise. You want to take care of this before it turns into Type-2 diabetes. Good luck!
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    There is actually something called "Metabolic Syndrome." google it - tons of info for you. Basically you'll want to focus on low-GI foods, lots of protein and fiber, stay away from sugars, and get some exercise. You want to take care of this before it turns into Type-2 diabetes. Good luck!

    yep, try to adjust to mostfly protein/fat diet.

    get carbs in form of fiber.

    Eat low GI fruits.

    Or else it might progress into t2 DM, which is worst disease in the world since it limits what you eat and requires people to take medications such as metformin or even insulin injections. Scary stuff! I think you will be fine if you watch diet+excercise regularly.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    You definitely want to head this off before it becomes type II diabetes, I did not and it's a big hassle once it sets in. Like others have recommended limit your carbs, get in a lot of exercise and eat lean meats. Oats are not a bad suggestion either but stay away from the sweetened oatmeals. I would also recommend going and buying a $20 glucose tester and checking when you wake up and an hour after your meals and get an idea of what is affecting you, once you get a handle on what your body tolerates well and what it doesn't you can really make some headway on curbing this. Best of luck to you!
  • rldafler
    You should go see a registered dietitian.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I just got off of cholesterol meds after 2 years on them.. I can tell you things that helped me:

    nuts (almonds, pistchios mostly)
    fish (I like cod and tilapia best but salmon is really good for you)
    coconut oil
    barleans omega 3 orange swirl supplement
    fish oil pills
    flaxseed oil pills

    If you eat eggs, eat more whites than yolks.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Exercise will bring blood sugar and cholesterol down. One year ago my fasting blood sugar was 101 and total cholesterol was 190. I pretty much kept eating the same and this past doctors visit blood sugar was 84 and cholesterol 134. Exercise definitely helps to bring down blood sugar as much as changing your diet. Just what my experience has been.
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    Ask your doctor to do an A1C test. This will give you a more exact diagnosis. If you trurly have pre-diabetes (also called insulin resistance) an A1C is the diagnostic tool to find it. If you are pre-diabetes, you need to see a dietian. Pre-diabetes will become diabetes without changes. I strongly recommend Pre-Diabetes for Dummies. It is absolutely great tool. It focus on prevention and the tips really work.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I had the same problem. I basically added a lot of beans, flax seed meal (its a great thing to get, because you can just dump a tablespoon into anything and get a little extra fiber), lentils, and tons of fatty fish like Tuna and Salmon. Eat dark green vegetables, and stay away from animal fats as much as you can. I did that for about 6 months and my cholestorol and sugars went down significantly. I am no longer at risk at all!
  • Prefessa
    Been there....I will tell you that the reason your having trouble dropping weight is due metabolic syndrome and your doctor should start you on Metformin to stop the progression of the disease, keep it from progressing to full blown type 2 diabetes and help you loose weight. If you Google Diabetes Prevention Program, it explains that this is the current wisdom. Generic Metformin will run you 4 bucks a month at most discount pharmacies such as Walmart. The drug has been around for decades.

    Also eating for insulin resistance, unfortunately is gona invole eating fruits, veggies and legumes along with lean proteins...limiting grains, and eliminating white flour and white sugar.

    Many times folks loose the weight and either stay on a small dose of Metformin or even wind up coming off of it...some don't. Anyhow, have your baseline A1C measured as well. If its in the 6's you will need meds.
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    Food choices have an extreme impact of blood sugar levels if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic. Exercise is very important to long term control, but even if you exercise everyday, uncontrolled carbs will derail you.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    First thing I will suggest is cutting out that sweet and creamy dunkin donuts coffee. If you can not drink it black, try it with stevia and almond milk.

    Exercise and cutting out saturated fat (along with not smoking or drinking any alcohol, period) helped me. I dropped my LDL 60 points.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    ok so i got my blood test results back today and not so good
    my fasting blood sugar and cholesterol are boderline elevated

    can anyone help to tell me what to eat and what not to eat to fix this?
    you can look at my dairy if that helps

    Lose fat (regardless of method), and your panels will improve across the board.
  • George1567
    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Exercise will bring blood sugar and cholesterol down. One year ago my fasting blood sugar was 101 and total cholesterol was 190. I pretty much kept eating the same and this past doctors visit blood sugar was 84 and cholesterol 134. Exercise definitely helps to bring down blood sugar as much as changing your diet. Just what my experience has been.

    ^^^ Is soild information. But please read close "FASTING". 70 to 100 fasting blood sugar would hit normal ranges. But a random test during a day of 101 would be very common. A known dibetic with a random daily test of 84 with any altered level of mental presence and negative stroke test/head trauma would get treatment in my ambulance more often than not, depending on how far out from the ER we are.

    Blood sugar numbers are very much realitive to the situation (timing of food intake). So don't get caught up just looking at the numbers alone and think that a certain number is always good or always bad.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Exercise will bring blood sugar and cholesterol down. One year ago my fasting blood sugar was 101 and total cholesterol was 190. I pretty much kept eating the same and this past doctors visit blood sugar was 84 and cholesterol 134. Exercise definitely helps to bring down blood sugar as much as changing your diet. Just what my experience has been.

    ^^^ Is soild information. But please read close "FASTING". 70 to 100 fasting blood sugar would hit normal ranges. But a random test during a day of 101 would be very common. A known dibetic with a random daily test of 84 with any altered level of mental presence and negative stroke test/head trauma would get treatment in my ambulance more often than not, depending on how far out from the ER we are.

    Blood sugar numbers are very much realitive to the situation (timing of food intake). So don't get caught up just looking at the numbers alone and think that a certain number is always good or always bad.
    Those were my 12 hour fasting numbers but I understand what you are saying. I try to keep on top of my number, test once a week during the day just so I know. My blood glucose monitor is just as important to me as my blood pressure monitor.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    yea i was on metformin last year for awhile and then my dr took me off it
    the rhing is i have been eating cold cereal everyday for over 30 years! dont like fruit or anything mixed in with it, i switched up alot with the types sometime special k or cheerios or whatever
    i started working out last week again(long story-depression, stress etc)
    guess i need to make a dr appt
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    You should go see a registered dietitian.

    Solid advice. My fasting blood sugar wasn't abnormally high or anything, but it was a bit elevated, however my cholesterol (both HDL and LDL) were abnormally low. So I saw a dietician and it has REALLY helped me out. Low GI carbohydrates, and I have to eat lots of healthy fats and protein. Getting a good meal plan from an RD is a really great investment for your health!

    Good for you though for catching something potentially awful early enough to do something about it :)
  • George1567
    Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Exercise will bring blood sugar and cholesterol down. One year ago my fasting blood sugar was 101 and total cholesterol was 190. I pretty much kept eating the same and this past doctors visit blood sugar was 84 and cholesterol 134. Exercise definitely helps to bring down blood sugar as much as changing your diet. Just what my experience has been.

    ^^^ Is soild information. But please read close "FASTING". 70 to 100 fasting blood sugar would hit normal ranges. But a random test during a day of 101 would be very common. A known dibetic with a random daily test of 84 with any altered level of mental presence and negative stroke test/head trauma would get treatment in my ambulance more often than not, depending on how far out from the ER we are.

    Blood sugar numbers are very much realitive to the situation (timing of food intake). So don't get caught up just looking at the numbers alone and think that a certain number is always good or always bad.
    Those were my 12 hour fasting numbers but I understand what you are saying. I try to keep on top of my number, test once a week during the day just so I know. My blood glucose monitor is just as important to me as my blood pressure monitor.

    Your numbers were good to start with and went to awesome with the work you put in.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    ok so can someone tell me how much sugar is ok in cereal? i have over 20 boxes and got to go go through them and see which ones i can eat, so is 10G too much?
    I have dr appt tomm