eating your workout cals

Okay so when i enter my insanity workout to my log it increases my food cals allowed. Should i eat 500 more calories sincei burn 500 calorise on insanity? This really confuses me as i thought i was supposed to decrease with exercise but its adding my burned calories back in. Thoughts?



  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    please search.. eating back my calories.. there are 90000 million threads about this.
  • melissap81
    melissap81 Posts: 5 Member
    will do, thanks
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Do what works for you.

    Following the plan as MFP sets out, yes, you eat the calories that you burn.
  • shirleycottrell
    shirleycottrell Posts: 21 Member
    Your not the only one confused so am I. I thought it was eat less exercise more but from everything I read on here that doesn't seem to agree. I am about stressed enough to give up
  • GetFitWithDe
    I typically don't eat all of them if at all but that varies based on your situation. For me it would hurt me to eat those calories b/c my wieght loss goals are so much more stringent. They say you should as long as they are good calories!
  • rsouthland
    The best way to explain it so it's not confusing is to show you some simple math... I'll use my numbers.

    If I slept for 24 hours and didn't get out of bed, I'd naturally burn 2400 calories, just being alive in hibernation mode. Through MFP, I have a deficit of 700 calories a day, because my goal is 1700 (2400-1700=700).

    When you exercise and only eat your goal, it further adds to your deficit. So, today for example I work out and burn 1000 calories. I would add my natural deficit of 700 and my 1000 from working out to be 1700 net deficit.

    I've read a lot about this next number. How much daily net deficit is considered safe. People have lots of different opinions, but a common answer is not to exceed 1200 net defict. This means, at a minimum, I'd need to eat back 500 calories of my workout, to ensure I'm at a net deficit of 1200. Preferably, I'd eat back 700-800 of my 1000 workout because adding deficit to the 700 is making it quite a lot in my opinion.

    I'm sure this is clear as mud. I know it can be confusing and you'll get lots of opinions as I've said.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    You could always check out this great resource:
