LOW IORN but I hate livers, oysters, etc that has high iorn



  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    When/If you eat iron-rich foods make sure you pair it up with plenty of vitamin C (the two work well together) so your body can better absorb the iron.

    Cereal and dried fruit are great sources of Iron. As are roasted pumpkin seeds, Dark Chocolate (real cocoa) and Hummus...

    here's a link:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I take a raw food based multi with iron and it doesn't affect me.

    I also eat a lot of lentils, chickpeas (or falafels), eggs, spinach, kale, almonds and mangoes.
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    Biomisty/Court 182

    Get your blood checked with yer Dr, get it checked for B12 too.

    If your Iron is low, that's easy and not unpleasant to fix with a daily spoon of this stuff.

    Ferrous Sulfate Elixir supplements, For Iron In Very Efficient Form - 16 Oz

    That's sold in Amazon both usa and uk. It's much easier to absorb that pills and works like a charm.

    What you are reporting _sounds_ as if it might be B12 deficiency, there are numerous causes and treatments for that. You have to know the cause first.

    IF you are B12 deficient due to the inability to create intrinsic factor, don't waste time with under the tongue tabs, forget it. Get the monthly injection tout de suite. Once those cells are gone, they're gone and you need B12 immediately. No other way of getting it.

  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    Blackstrap molasses, if you can find it.


    and fancy molasses works too - a bit higher in calories, a bit lower on the iron but it's still good. Growing up (w/o much $$) this is what my mom gave us for breakfast (w/toast) mm mmm =)
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Bump.. I am the same way
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Blackstrap molasses, if you can find it.


    and fancy molasses works too - a bit higher in calories, a bit lower on the iron but it's still good. Growing up (w/o much $$) this is what my mom gave us for breakfast (w/toast) mm mmm =)

    When I went to give blood my iron was too low, and the nurse at the donor center told me that one woman came in with low iron, downed a couple spoonfuls, and her iron level was WAY high the very next day! I'm going to try it next time I give.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Go see your doctor. They can do an actual blood test to find out. I was borderline anemic when I lost a lot of weight back in high school and I took an iron supplement once a day.
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