girls in their 20s? I need friends!



  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    25, almost 5'6" and not really paying attention to my weight but rather lifting and getting toned! I'm not really focusing on "calories" but rather eating healthy and starting up Jamie Eason's live fit program.
  • I'm 26 trying to lose weight too add
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    25 5ft9, currently 179lbs, goal weight is anywhere between 140-147lbs.
  • 18emeralds
    18emeralds Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 20, 5'4 and currently 168. Looking for any support and I will be your cheerleader, too!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm 21, 5'8 and 147lbs
    Trying to get down to ~135lbs.
    Eating around 2000 net calories.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    damn girl. I'm 21 yos, 5'9", 180lbs and trying to get down to 165lbs :)
  • Right there with ya girl! 21 and trying to lose weight! :)
  • I'm 19 (almost 20!) and looking to drop a couple pounds I've gained since coming back to school from winter break. I'm 5'5"
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    Please add me. I just turned 26 and my weight keeps wanting to yo-yo on me. I was originally 120lbs got an office job and in less than a year shot up to 135lbs. Joined Survivor Bootcamp for 3 YEARS! got my weight back down to 123lbs took a break for a few month, had to work extra hours at my office job and after christmas stepped on the scale and was all the way back to 135lbs! Joined back with Survivor Bootcamp in the new year and am now at 127lbs in only 2 months. Got to love that muscle memory. My goal is to be at 120lbs and stay at 120lbs but at the same time I want to get some muscle definition not just look skinny. I'm gonna try to hit my goal before I go to California in April. Could really use the support of my fellow MFP peeps. :)
  • Hello,

    You Sound just like me, Anyone feel free to add me!!!!!
  • Hello! I'm 20, 5'7 and am currently 204lbs :) would love to get some support!
  • Brieve29
    Brieve29 Posts: 14 Member
    I am 24, almost 25. I was 170 lbs in September and have dropped down to around 144ish. I am trying to maintain around 1200 calories a day. Feel free to add me :)
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 23, and I'm 5'11 and 183 pounds (down from 200 wooo!). I want to have a body I feel comfortable in, and I'm looking to get down to 140lbs.
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    You may add me. :) I'm 20, 141 pounds with a goal weight of 120 pounds. I'm 5'5".
  • I'm 29 almost the big 30 . Another trying to loose weight and get healthy .
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    Hey 5'6 164 getting down to 140-135 and 23 (will be 24 next month) You or anyone else can add me. I love to add me friends to help support!! We can lose this weight girls!!! :-)
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Hey, you stole my topic title :bigsmile:
  • I'm 22, 5'3", 127 lbs and looking to get down to between 115-120. However, feeling confident and healthy is the most important thing rather than the number on the scale. Feel free to add me! :)
  • dixiecup19
    dixiecup19 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! i'm 21, 189lbs and looking to get down to 160. You can add me if you like :)
  • Hey, there I am also new to fitnesspal (week in) but tryin to stay optimistic. It's time to get healthy! I am 21 years old, 5'11, and currently 260 lbs. My goal is about 170 (wide hips lol). If any of you need encouragement or would like to offer your own please add me! Love to help and be helped, for me its more then just losing some weight but also a lifestyle change.