overeating on weekends ....... help

Hi all,
Come weekend ---and get together s and chilling out - leads to my overeating by at least 150 calories - despite efforts to exercise and eat small portions and avoid half the food. Can't stop going out with friends - any suggestions as to how can I handle this without having to curtail my outings?:ohwell:

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  • Lookgreat
    Lookgreat Posts: 63
    Hi all,
    Come weekend ---and get together s and chilling out - leads to my overeating by at least 150 calories - despite efforts to exercise and eat small portions and avoid half the food. Can't stop going out with friends - any suggestions as to how can I handle this without having to curtail my outings?:ohwell:

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    TANKENEY32 Posts: 105 Member
    I have the same problem.. so hard to watch portions when everyone else eats what they want..good luck, Tonya
    TANKENEY32 Posts: 105 Member
    I have the same problem.. so hard to watch portions when everyone else eats what they want..good luck, Tonya
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    This is also the hardest for me, all the social cues to eat.
    If it's only 150 calories, maybe you can save up 150 calories by taking a little off of every other week day.
    Also, I drink a lot of diet coke and chew gum to keep my mouth busy.
    Use a tiny plate, like a dessert plate, at bbqs.
    Eat veggies, things that you know are good for you. Also, play with your food, like cutting it into itty bitty pieces or squishing the mashed potatoes under your fork.
    If you really can't stand to not have a cookie, tell yourself that if you avoid them for the whole party, you can take one home to have it tomorrow, or at night. There's nothing like a cookie you deserve!
    Have a friend or partner split something with you, and make sure they eat more than their fair share.
    Also, if there are people who are NOT eating and drinking, go hang out with them. You'll eat less, too.
    I've also started showing up late to these things - less time for me to be eating, and when I get there the party's already started!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I seem to be over on the weekends alot lately. Today 500 cals. But still had a deficit of 3800 cals this week. No answer for ya on this one......:flowerforyou: Did you at least have a fun weekend?
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Plan ahead. You know that you want to go out, chill with the friends, whatever: so make Saturday your killer workout day. I mean, go hard for 2hrs in the gym and you'll be between 1000-1500cals xtra. Not that it is ever 'good' to eat that much extra in a single day, but at least that will give you some options.

    Include your friends in on this process with you. Tell them about your goals and maybe you can go places that have more healthful options. If you are only going over by 150cals, then get out for a 30min walk in the afternoon.
  • ElizaD
    ElizaD Posts: 27
    I have this problem too! it's like a get a little devil on my shoulder.. it's hindered my weight loss the last couple of weeks as had a lot of social gatherings, the only good thing is I haven't put on weight as been exercising.. but I could kick myself for being naughy now... long way from my goal :sad:

    Gonna try harder this week.. good luck sure you'll be good this week too and get back on track :smile:
  • melaniewalker63
    melaniewalker63 Posts: 16 Member
    Good for you on the quitting smoking! I quit June 29th, 2008 and have been smoke free since! Not an easy journey but not as bad as I thought it would be. Keep it up :drinker:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    What helps me is that I've changed my weigh in day to Monday, that way I know I have to 'behave' myself over the weekend. Before it was Friday, and I'd be like oh I'm down x amt of pounds, I deserve this, well I didn't deserve eating, I deserve to have the scale show me a lower number each time I get on the scale on Monday morning.:flowerforyou: :wink: :drinker: Good Luck to you!
  • gamerboi82
    Something that works for me is eating right before I go out to a party or gathering. And making sure I feel full - NOT STUFFED - just full. That way when I get to the party, it makes it sooo much easier to say "no, thanks, I'm not that hungry". Make sure you take a bottle of water or two with you, in case there isn't any available, this will help if you get thirsty. With all that done, if you get peckish it'll be a lot easier to go for the healthier options since you won't be absolutely starving.
  • jhollyw00d
    jhollyw00d Posts: 68 Member
    I have this same problem. How annoying, right? When I'm at work, I am on a schedule, I'm good to go. As soon as I open my eyes on Saturday morning, the first thing that comes to mind is CUPCAKE or ITALIAN HERO!!!!!! And it's all downhill from there.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi all,
    Come weekend ---and get together s and chilling out - leads to my overeating by at least 150 calories - despite efforts to exercise and eat small portions and avoid half the food. Can't stop going out with friends - any suggestions as to how can I handle this without having to curtail my outings?:ohwell:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    willpower ,determination and staying dedicated...I think you have to figure out how important this is to you..if you want it you will fight for it ..its ok to have drinks or treats in moderation but pace yourself and plan ahead and stay accountable...always remember your friends may be able to drink or eat more than you but thats because their goals are different...
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    Plan ahead. You know that you want to go out, chill with the friends, whatever: so make Saturday your killer workout day. I mean, go hard for 2hrs in the gym and you'll be between 1000-1500cals xtra. Not that it is ever 'good' to eat that much extra in a single day, but at least that will give you some options.

    Include your friends in on this process with you. Tell them about your goals and maybe you can go places that have more healthful options. If you are only going over by 150cals, then get out for a 30min walk in the afternoon.
    What kind of exercise are you doing that's giving you 1000-1500 calories extra? The best I can get is 400-500 calories for 2 hours!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I can easily get 600 cals in an hour but I have a heart rate monitor and the terrian around my place isn't exactly flat. It's like a on a tred mill that if you put it at a slight climb more then half of your work out time.

    For me it's a fairly fast pace at walking, then again I have a lot of weight to lose and as I begin to lose it, I'll have to look at doubling up on the amount of walking I'm doing. I walk close to three and a half miles on most days.

    If you know where you're going, then you can look at the menu ahead of time to know what you're going to order, this way you already have your mind made up and will stick to a healthier choice then being forced to choose something making a poor choice on the spot.

    During barbeques, fill up more on the veggies, fruits and dips and keep the other stuff to a minimum. My parents know I'm trying to lose weight and didn't encourage me to have a second sandwich and I kept to more veggies and dip and had one sandwich with a min. of meat and cheese on it.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I sound redundant, but PLAN AHEAD. What is that old saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." ?

    Lots of good ideas already posted. How about taking a close friend into your confidence? Is there someone who will help give you that extra nudge if needed? It really helps to be accountable to someone sometimes.
  • Lookgreat
    Lookgreat Posts: 63
    Thank you all for your support - will definitely plan ahead and do an extra round of work outs on Saturday- Thanks all once again:flowerforyou: