
I've just been started on this by my doctor. I've avoided being medicated for my depression for various not-very-rational reasons. Friday I attempted suicide and that was what finally brought me to realise that there are much, much worse things than being medicated.

I've read all the fun information the doctor and pharmacy gave me, but I was wondering if anyone who has take Prozac could tell me how long it was before you saw a change?

I've been told one to two weeks for it to saturate the system, but is it possible to see changes sooner? I know it's all individual, and it may not work at all and we may have to try something else, but I guess I'm looking for someone to give me a little bit of hope that this will actually help.



  • medley2009
    It took me about a week to notice any big difference.You may notice a slight difference sooner. Even feeling a little bit better is worth it. Within a few weeks you will probably notice a big difference. They may have to adjust doses to get you where you need to be to feel better. I went through two other ones that did not work before being put on Prozac. I did notice I was tired more but my emotional state was better. A word of advise would be to keep a very watchful eye on your emotions as it is one of the stronger antidepressants. I've known people who had some serious side effects taking it. Good luck to you and I hope it helps
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Thank you. They have me at 10 milligrams (?) which I believe is the minimum dose, so we'll see what happens.
  • ClaireCeecee
    Hi there. I have been on these tablets for around 4 years now and gotta say they have been great. I felt a difference after taking them for about a week. I think after a few months I seemed to be slipping back to old feelings again and they upped the dose. Not had any side effects or problems. Still get the odd down day but sooooo much better now. Good luck on them.
  • Tuliptwy
    Hi there. I was on Prozac for almost 15 years and it was the best drug ever. I wouldn't have been had it not been for that. My doctor had me on and off for a couple years when he was playing with my meds, and every time it would take about a week before I started to feel better. Something to remember though is that "feeling better" can sneak up on you - meaning you don't even know you're feeling better because you're adjusting to it as you go along. It's awesome. You may get upped on dosage if things aren't working well enough, but know that for most of us it's a god send. All the best!
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Thank you, Claire and Tulip. Here's hoping the week thing holds for me too.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Congrats on getting on meds. My daughter was diagnosed at age 8 with depression and it's clear to all involved that SSRI's have saved her life (she's 25 now).

    SSRI's typically take up to two weeks but if you're feeling a lift, congratulations. And, though I know this is the last thing you're thinking about now, don't go off them unless you talk to your doc/meds doc. SSRI's don't "cure" depression, they just help get the brain chemistry in order.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck to you.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Congrats on getting on meds. My daughter was diagnosed at age 8 with depression and it's clear to all involved that SSRI's have saved her life (she's 25 now).

    SSRI's typically take up to two weeks but if you're feeling a lift, congratulations. And, though I know this is the last thing you're thinking about now, don't go off them unless you talk to your doc/meds doc. SSRI's don't "cure" depression, they just help get the brain chemistry in order.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck to you.

    I'm only on day 2 and not feeling much of anything, to be honest. Mainly I was hoping people would confirm what the literature is saying, which seems to be the case. I trust people who have been there more than what pamphlets say.

    Thank you.
  • missmacknz
    It takes a few weeks I think for the effects of Prozac to kick in, but once they do you'll eventually be able to see things a bit differently and hopefully it will help you. I've been on it on and off for a good 10 years but this time I have decided to STAY on it regardless of thinking that I am 'all better now' because I know that coming off it I'll end up with a wonky brain again.

    Please hang in there, the medication will help and you'll find that will help you to help yourself even more.

    If you want to add me as a friend please do so :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I was on it a very long time ago. I did not notice any difference, but that's just me. Others have great results.
  • TXBlonde81
    TXBlonde81 Posts: 78 Member
    I've been on it for about a year fighting a major depressive episode for 2.5 years. I also tried Effexor (crying mess), Lexapro (still mildly depressed), Cymbalta (couldn't stay awake), and then Prozac & Wellbutrin (combo). It took about 5 months and doctor visits every 2 weeks to find the right drug combination. I would say I started feeling better after about a month and then it was up from there. Don't be afraid if you don't feel fabulous right away. I had to go through 3 adjustments to get the right does. Just hang in there. Are you going to a psychiatrist? I found that my general practitioner just wasn't as good but she did try in the beginning of my episode.
  • lialuck13
    Hey :] I take 20 mg of Prozac and it has made my life a million and one times better. I hope you aren't a drinker, though, cause a few beers down and you will hit the floor. (Not that anyone should mix meds with alcohol, I know, but just a warning! Hah) Best of luck to you, though. If you need a friend, hit me up!
  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    Allow two weeks to a month for full effect. Good on you for trying. I have been on up to 40mg/day, but now am on 20 mg and that keeps me from spiralling down too deep.
    If you drink you will either crash or go manic, so watch out for this effect.
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    While it does technically take weeks for SSRIs to kick in full steam, there is a really nifty different effect that has developed in the past ten to fifteen years. SSRIs often begin to work nearly immediately for some people. This has been tied to a positive placebo effect. In essence, the evidence that SSRIs work is so well understood within society that many people begin to spontaneously feel better just out of relief of having found a form of help that is likely to work. This effect only lasts for a few weeks, but it is long enough for the drug to kick in full force.

    I am very, very pleased that you are still with us. I want to welcome you to the very large club of people whose lives have been saved by appropriate use of antidepressants.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I am sorry you felt so bad that you made an attempt. I am glad though that you were unsuccessful. Prozac does take a bit to circulate before you see any effects. I do hope it helps you. I had a real run-in with depression starting in 2001 while on active duty. Some of it caused by duty and some by personal issues. I've been on Paxil ,Serzone, Wellbutrin, Prozac, zoloft, cymbalta, remeron, celexa and Viibryd. I hope you have better luck than I did, as none of those did very much for me, although I probably expected more from them They did keep me from going over the edge though. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to. I've been there.