Here Comes Summer - Week 6



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Go Jackie Go.

    Hope you have a great time bowling.

    I have been out doors in my yard for about three hours. I have been pruning over grown rose bushes and forsythia's, with short sleeves. OMG Imy arms look like I have been wildly scratch by a cat. Not a pretty site.

    I hope all is well with everyone.

    The Weekend Warrior is still in battle.

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hello girls.
    :sad: :sad: :cry: I have had the worst weekend! It started on friday and I just couldn't get over it!!! So I ate and ate and that was goign to solve the problem! This is what happened I am sooooo upset still!!! I just need to get this off my chest. You all know that I have a special needs boy, but he isn't like so special needs that he is terrible in class and stuff like that. He is good and always has someone with him to help as well. Well I have been having a problem with the art teacher not wanting my son in her class, becuase he is different, he isnt' like the other kids, he might pose a small challenge....I talked to higher authority about it a while ago and it was suppose to be taken care of. Well yesterday she wouldn't let him go to class. He is always with his class and she wouldn't let him go!!! His kindergarten teacher told me and she was also just mad as hops as well. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!! For heaven sakes what is so earth shattering involved with kindergarten art that my son cannot be in that friggin class???? i asked if he was misbehaved and his teacher said that he haed a wonderful day. She just doesn't want him in there becuase he isn't the same as the rest! It is discrimination plain and simple. And what is so riciculous is that she of all people should feel strongly about discrimination, she is native american and is very much so against anything about discrimination and wrong doing when it involves that, but not when it comes to disabillities I guess. (I am in no way predjudice about anyone or thing.) I just don't understand!!! I got so upset that I drove right over to the highschool and marched into the principals office and sat and waited to talk to him. He was completly shocked that it happened, he had already had a conversation with her about it! He was super nice and very supportive of me. So at least that was good, but I still feel terrible anger. I don't like it at all, I am soooooooooooooo not an angry person at all, it just isn't me. i know that if you guys would meet my son you would just all love him to pieces! This is the first time that someone has ever acted this way towards him. I just feel like I could go and beat her to a pulp!!! grrrrr 8sigh* I think that what I am really upset about is that this is the first time somethign like this has happened to my sweetie. I made a promise to myself that I would do all in my power when we adopted him to protect him and keep him happy and content. Well I have been successfull but now there are outside factors and it just kills me to think that this sort of stuff is going to happen adn I won't be able to stop it!!! Thanks for letting me vent out....I don't know what could possibly make this situation better....even the fact that I found out that she is retiring at the end of this year really doesn't make me feel better....Ifeel like she is getting away with it!!!!! So that was pretty much my weekend....stewing and festering about it along with eating crap. We have a meeting at the end of this week at teh school so maybe something will be said there. If this school doesn't shape up I am going to move him to another one. I just really hate to do that becuase he has soooo many wonderful friends in his class that accept him and really doesnt see him as 'differnt' they just see him as being saul. I am just torn up!

    I am proud of you girls you are doing great!!!!Katherine we will hop back up on the wagon together!!!! I will give yoou a boost if you haul me up too hahahaha Sorry for the depressing post.....i really am normally a happy bright person!!!! I will snap out of it today! and I went through my cupboards this mornig and threw out the 'goods" that are evil and nasty temptation!!!! Stupid cookies!!!!! Darn those little girlscouts and their cuteness!!!!!! I gave away some of them to the neighbors though too! I just threw the ones that were open! Anyways I hope the sun continues to peek through....the weather dsaid it was suppose to rain and possibly snow but I am pretty sure that it taint happening!! Goody for me!:bigsmile:

    loves to you ladies and will post later!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good afternoon...

    After a lot of umming and aaring about what my weight was i thought i would finally be honest with myself... im 11stone.. and i seem to be putting on weight without really realising.. but im just being completely untrue to myself.. kidding myself that im 10st 6... nope.. im 11st... i need to loose about a stone - stone 1/2 so be satisfied...
    as you can see i have been here since october and i have managed to go absolutely no where.. im back at the start... i feel so silly... thinking that cookie here, or a few sweets there wont do any harm.. but it has.. i really think im at a point now where im sick of loosing a few pounds... being happy and then piling it on again.. Im at the point where my holiday is in 6 weeks and all i want is a quick fix, and work on the issues after i get back..
    Im on a mission to loose at least half a stone in 6 weeks but im finiding it incrediabley hard!.. im not sure if me being on the pill has anything to do with it... but as soon as im back from my holiday im off it... there is no need for me to be on it.. so im just gonna stop... see how i go and hopefully loose those pounds that i have wanted to be rid of for so long...

    Hopefully i can reach my goal weight by the time it gets to october... a year since i have been here.. but being at a size that is already classed as healthy - 5ft 7', 154lb.. my BMI is 23..
    i know i have built up a lot of muscle weight recently but it is soooooo unmotivating when the scales are moving in the wrong direction... i think im having one of those moments where i just feel like im failing misserabley.. (spelling is bad im sorry) :laugh:

    Hope you are all ok? :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Katherine
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    I am proud of you girls you are doing great!!!!Katherine we will hop back up on the wagon together!!!! I will give yoou a boost if you haul me up too hahahaha Sorry for the depressing post.....i really am normally a happy bright person!!!! I will snap out of it today! and I went through my cupboards this mornig and threw out the 'goods" that are evil and nasty temptation!!!! Stupid cookies!!!!! Darn those little girlscouts and their cuteness!!!!!! I gave away some of them to the neighbors though too! I just threw the ones that were open! Anyways I hope the sun continues to peek through....the weather dsaid it was suppose to rain and possibly snow but I am pretty sure that it taint happening!! Goody for me!:bigsmile:

    loves to you ladies and will post later!

    I know exactly what you mean, it can be mega frustrating when your son isn't doing anything wrong in the class and is being himself... She sounds like a horrible woman. My bro has learning difficulties and is about 4 years behind mentally.. he's a cool guy.. likes to go out drinking with his friends from work.. is studying IT at college, but sometimes finds it hard to communicate with me or mum n dad.. on the other side of my family i have a cousin who has Williams Syndrome, she is a lovely young woman (25) but has the body of a 10 year old. her special needs are more apparent as she has gotten older, but she copes. it is annoying to see how other people react in such a negative way when they have never had any interaction with a special needs person...
    I hope the meeting goes well on friday! Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I need a serious pick up Hun... hope we can both do this.. with a holiday loomin im stressing myself out more and more!!!

  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssss it is ok my little tiger!!!!! I understand completly. I guess we all have to remember that it is goign to take a little longer than what we want! Maybe concentrating on that scale is discouraging! Just look at it once a week. If it is just one cookie like every sooooooo long it wont hurt but when we start making it a habit then it is goign to affect us. the pill might be a big thing....I gained like 20 pounds when I was on it back in the days of wine and roses *wink wink* It messed with my emotions worse though! So don't get caught up in the time frame, just start now and concentrate on small goals. I know that if I start saying to myself Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need to lose like 45 more pounds ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is soooo much....I get all depressed and then before you know it I am putting some food in mouth.....darn that stupid reflex what ever happend to foot in mouth disease, my brother has that......i have cookie in mouth disease!!!!! Lets simplifiy.

    Keep loggin honestly your calories....even if you had a terrible weekend like I just is hard to see it but well I put it in my mouth so I have to log it in the comp!

    keep up the workouts....we can do this! even if it is just a "pathetic" one we need to do it anyways!

    Keep focused on a small goal! I have a weekly one. Usually I want to lose one poudn. I just started the small goal thing about a month ago.

    i think if we all do this we will be able to make to where each of us wants to be.

    And my little Tiger don't forget that you are beautiful and an awesome girly! Look at you!!!! And you are sweet and kind and if that stupid last stone 1/2 stays on for a bit....don't you worry!! Becuase you are smokin no matter what....:wink: In fact I think that i am goign to have to start carrying a fire extinguisher in case you burst in to flames becuase you are sooooo hot :wink: :laugh: You really a great lady and make sure that you remember that sweetie! In fact i think that we are alllllll awesome! We CAN do this!!! Let's enjoy the journey!!!!

    loves to all
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Jenny - BIGGEST EVER HUGS BACK TO YOU.... :heart: You're words are so kind :blushing:

    I have uploaded a new photo of me from the weekend... Im very concious my arms look bulky in it.. maybe im being too analytical.. but im just noticing these things.. i know it will be to do with my workouts atm.. but i dont want them to get any bigger.. i have my review coming up on friday to see how im getting along with it all.. i might ask if i can do less of the weights and more Cardio... Maybe that will help?! mmm :ohwell:

    lets do this.. im really wanting to get motivated this week and my friend Carl even said he would go running with me for moral support... i also need to get out on my bike - Bikathon in 2 weeks! :noway: !!!

    :heart: Tiger..... Rahhhh x
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Summer is so close.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Big ((((((((Hugs)))))) to all. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I also really want to stay focused this week. Last week I did OK, but not like I had when I started the month. So, the pink gloves are on.

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    I just got back from "excersising" if you can call it that! My sis in law pooped out after 20 minutes and wanted to finish with the weights and what not but then her hubby came home and she said that she needed to be done. So I don't think that 150 cal burned is quite enough for my new LETS GET FOCUSED AND MOTIVATED week so I am gogn to do my own workout at home!!!!

    Oh little tiger your arms look great! But if you feel like they are getting toooo muscly (i think i just made up a word haahah) then maybe you are right, more cardio less weights or do more reps of lighter weights....hmmm I think that is how it goes.....anyways you look great!!!!

    Kathy HUGSSSSSSSSSSSs I agree WECANDOIT!!!!! Lets put on our focus pants on kick the fats but!!!!!!:happy:

    Where is our little jackie jackie and I haevnt seen black belt for awhile either! MIck welcome girly!! Come join our chat anytime :bigsmile: I like to talk hahaha!!!!

    I am starving from super huge workout (har har har ) and ready for lunch!!! so tatafor now!!!

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    WEEK 7 IS UP AND RUNNING!!!! :laugh:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Do we post here for week 7 or is there a new place to post. I did a search but did'nt find anything. Let me know.


  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    here it is tanya!!! I finally found it!!!!!!
