Newbies With More Than 100 lbs to Lose?

Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and I am from BC, Canada. I just joined My Fitness Pal last week and I am loving it so far! I have also been going to the gym everyday and playing Just Dance 3 on the Wii Just Sweat Mode (extreme). I have lost 9lbs in a week so I am pretty happy with myself :) I have a huge amount of weight to lose (200 lbs) and I am looking for some friends/support. Its my time to shine! I am tired of being so unhappy and out of shape. Lets do this together!!

PS: How do I get the My Fitness Pal Weight Lost Ticker thing that shows under peoples posts?


  • MonicaM69
    MonicaM69 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Ashley. My name is Monica and I am from Illinois, USA. I have a large amount of weight to loose too. My first goal is 50lbs before my cruise in September. Wishing you best of luck with your weight loss. It sounds like you are off to a great start!!
  • Bigshadyg
    Bigshadyg Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your week weight loss!!! I am new to this site, but have been struggling w/ my weight all my life! Hoping this will help me with staying on track! Good luck to you too!
  • Hey Ashley and Monica!!!! My name is Simone and I just joined up today. I would love to lose about 110 ten pounds but more would be good too. I don't want to lose all my curves :)

    I hope we can continue to communicate over the next little while. I have been working out for about 3 weeks now and I have lost about 8 pounds so I'm stoked....

    Good Luck Lady's...We Rock.
  • HOWDY! My name is Ray but I go by Mr. Tattoohead. I'm looking to shed more than 100 pounds. 19 pounds down already with myfitnesspal so it's proving to be a great help. Best of luck to you and friending is welcome!