Starving on 2000

So I lost around 65lbs on a ridiculously low calorie diet coupled with compulsive exercise and have been diagnosed with EDNOS. I got down to my lowest (111lbs, 5"4, 18, female) in january and have since managed to increase my calories quite gradually from a measly 300 to just below 2000 and stayed the same weight. I now do cardio 5 days a week for an hour as well as strength training every other day and have been eating 2000 for the last half a week. Thing is, I have been waking up in the mornings starving! Sometimes I even start feeling hungry around 2 in the morning. Of course, I don't give into these hunger pains because everything I eat is planned out (the joys of eating disorders). I think my diary is open if you want to take a look and tell me where I'm going wrong, though it's probably good to mention I normally don't eat the sachets of porridge because of the sugar but have run out of the normal oats, and also I try and have an 'unhealthy' food like sweets/chocolates/white carbs each day because my eating disorder has left me terrified of them. Thank you!

p.s. about the galaxy, I was out and that was all there was, I usually DO NOT switch proper meals for junk like that.


  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    By the way I log my exercise calories as moderate but have been told it is more intense and that I probably burn more in the region of 500-600. I live a very sedentary lifestyle otherwise bar three hours standing two days a week as a cashier, and again standing all days saturday (but I take a rest day then).
  • _persephone_
    _persephone_ Posts: 138 Member
    I've had a little look at your food diary, and you seem to be getting a decent amount of protein, which was my first thought. You could maybe try a few more fibre rich foods, or an egg for breakfast, if you like them.

    What I think it is though, is not your diet, but the after effects of your ED. I'll explain - a few years ago, I was extremely depressed, and neglected to eat until I ended up at about 6 stone (84lbs). It took a while for my appetite to properly return (and it's still not strictly normal), but there was a period of time when I'd started to eat 'normally' for a little while,and my appetite just suddenly skyrocketed - I felt like I could literally eat everything in the world.

    My theory, which is based partially on personal experience, partially on science (though I can't remember the name of the study to look it up now, sorry), is that after the body has endured a period of 'famine' and subsequently realises that there is now sufficient food, it attempts to 'stock up' in fear of future famine conditions.

    In my case though, it did disappear after a while, and I wasn't constantly ravenous, so don't worry about it continuing forever.

    Do make sure you are consuming enough too. I've found this is a really efficient calculator

    Hope that helps, and best of luck xxx
  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I have had a look at that calculator actually but thing is I don't know how many calories I burn through my cardio. Your answer does make sense though, I've been really worried that I'll over eat because of hunger, though so far I've resisted and I know I'll keep resisting. I think I'll monitor where I'm at now before deciding whether to up it to 2200 which is the average amount the TEE calculator gives me (if I add 500 for exercise, not 350).

    Thank you, and I wish you luck too xxx
  • _persephone_
    _persephone_ Posts: 138 Member
    Thats no problem at all, glad to help...and that calculator is definitely the best one I've found for getting a accurate picture of each day (Yes, I do have a check on it most days lol)