Sizzlin Summer Slimdown 04.20.09



  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    i am so excited to be trying MFP! i had no idea how awesome it was, and you all are so supportive of each other! i'm so happy i decided to be apart of it!

    todays my first day... but aunt flo comes tomorrow...

    did i pick the wrong time to start?!

    There is NEVER a wrong time to begin living healthier!!!

    Welcome...we look forward to getting to know you and sharing in your success!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kashi92
    kashi92 Posts: 3
    Well, I joined this site a couple of weeks ago, stuck to it for a few days and then went off the deep end. I seemed to eat my way through the Easter Holidays! Now the summer is almost here and I am freaking out. I am up to 195 pounds and was at a high school reunion this weekend where lots of pictures of me and my three chins were taken. I love the summer and really feel like I have hit the wall, I need to start now. I logged in all food before I ate it today and was really proud of myself.

    I would love to be part of the challenge. I always have more success if I have support:love:

    Can I join?

  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    Great job everyone! I know i'm late today

    Kashi, anyone can join! welcome! the end of this challenge is may 22nd, we each set our own personal goals to try to meet by that date, some of us were also trying to exercise 30 out of the 40 days, the challenge started last monday, but its definatlely not too late, welcome, and good luck!!

    I am down 2 lbs so far! yay! we had our yard sale on sat. so i counted a lot of that as workout, well the setting up and carrying everything outside, and carrying what was left back in the house, i was sore on sunday, so i did something!!

    i think I am 4/30 so far, not sure if i'll make it, but i'm gonna try my best! i did get back on the treadmill tonight, and for my snack i just ate some fresh broccoli with a little light ranch dressing, YUMMY!