many of us have them...

...friends, ones we can depend on for motivation NOT TO EAT THE CAKES AND COOKIES!!!!

Hi, my name is Brittany and im a 24 year old newley wed and mom. In not just here for a quick fix to lose weight, I truly want to change the way I view eating and weughtloss. I truly was an emotional eater and I was pushing 195lbs on March 2011. I lost 25+ pounds from a popular unhealthy weight loss fad but after the wedding I gained alot of it back. I am so excited for the results of actually changung my previous lifestyle, and I need friends to share this journey with:)

Feel free to add me, im so in need of tips,advice and motivation!!!


  • sdawkins04
    sdawkins04 Posts: 14 Member
    I am 100% in agreeance with you! It is definitely difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle with ppl around who are not! My particular struggle is avoiding the Mexican restaurant on Friday evenings where I used to enjoy two for one margaritas and chimichangas with my friend. I am slowly but surely adjusting to watching calories and avoiding certain foods. I am determined to stay on the right path ;)