21 Need Motivation Buddies

Looking for other members to get motivation and keep updated.,
Little about why im here I'm 21 5'0 ft tall started my journey at 237
Would love to be at 125... I understand its a process. I am currently at 230 :)


  • Hello,
    It is nice to meet you.I am also 5ft tall and used to weigh 115.Then I got married had two children, let myself go and got up to 245 pounds.About five years ago I decided enough of being so overweight and counted calories and stayed on a diet every day for 17 months and lost a lot of weight.I got down to 134 pounds.I took up hoola hooping for exersizing, ate a lot of yogurt and did not eat any trigger foods.Nothing, that I really loved to eat and that I could not stop eating,lol.. like cheesecake!
    I have been off my diet for about three years.I now weigh 163 and am back on my diet :) My goal weight is 128 and I Would be happy to be a diet buddy. I think age if just a frame of mind :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you so much for your response!!! :) It helps me stay motivated... I wasn't always this big either.... I was also usually around 115 to 125 and then i let myself go, but do not want to live my life like this anymore.
  • Hey... i'm new here as well.
    Im also 21 and weigh 95 kg (230 lbs) and i would love to be 130 lbs by the end of the year.
    Add me. Lets support each other

  • Hi I'm 19. I am 5'8 I weigh 85 kg (177pounds). I would love to help you keep motivated
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 269 Member
    I want to be 125 as well. Feel free to add me :)