VETERAN HELP! cant get all my calories in!!!

Try as i might, I cant seem to get all my calories in, especially my exercise ones. Tonght i had pasta and sauce just to bump up my calories, wasnt worth it, just not a fan. Can some veteran look at my diary and make suggestions?? Its pretty stable, just needs recommondations for healthy snacks, lunch ideas.


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    You don't HAVE to get all the calories in. It is just a guide. Don't make yourself miserable trying to meet that amount if you are full.

    I checked out a few days of your diary and most days you are good but you have a few that you are lower on protein. My Doctor recommends women have 20 grams at least 4 times a day (which I am bad at spreading mine out to 4, opps). You could up the lean proteins to make sure you are getting some in every meal. If I am way under my calories at dinner I just up my protein to get closer.

    For salads put meat on them or a bit of cheese (or cottage cheese although that I don't personally recommend). My usual lunch is a salad with at least 4 ounces of meat or a big bowl of homemade soup with veggies and meat. An ounce of nuts is a good way to get healthy fats, protein and calories.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    You don't HAVE to get all the calories in. It is just a guide. Don't make yourself miserable trying to meet that amount if you are full.

    I checked out a few days of your diary and most days you are good but you have a few that you are lower on protein. My Doctor recommends women have 20 grams at least 4 times a day (which I am bad at spreading mine out to 4, opps). You could up the lean proteins to make sure you are getting some in every meal. If I am way under my calories at dinner I just up my protein to get closer.

    For salads put meat on them or a bit of cheese (or cottage cheese although that I don't personally recommend). My usual lunch is a salad with at least 4 ounces of meat or a big bowl of homemade soup with veggies and meat. An ounce of nuts is a good way to get healthy fats, protein and calories.

    good ideas here. I usually have tuna on my salad, but ran out of mayo. ha. but Im gonna go boil some eggs now. thanks for the idea, i will make a point to spreading out my protein. Yeah, and cheese, so high in cals and fat. my hubby is so lean but has high cholesterol, so i wont even buy much of it. We are trying real hard. and i love this forum. thank you.
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    Nuts are a healthy choice for meeting my calories for the day, if needed. I like almonds, pistachios and cashews.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    You don't HAVE to get all the calories in. It is just a guide. Don't make yourself miserable trying to meet that amount if you are full.

    I checked out a few days of your diary and most days you are good but you have a few that you are lower on protein. My Doctor recommends women have 20 grams at least 4 times a day (which I am bad at spreading mine out to 4, opps). You could up the lean proteins to make sure you are getting some in every meal. If I am way under my calories at dinner I just up my protein to get closer.

    For salads put meat on them or a bit of cheese (or cottage cheese although that I don't personally recommend). My usual lunch is a salad with at least 4 ounces of meat or a big bowl of homemade soup with veggies and meat. An ounce of nuts is a good way to get healthy fats, protein and calories.
    I logged in tomorrow. easier to plan ahead. if i dont exercise, ill be ok, but i am addicted to the cardio part at least....
  • dcsump2
    Nutrition bars and supplement shakes are a good source for extra calories. Hope that's helpful!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    You don't HAVE to get all the calories in. It is just a guide. Don't make yourself miserable trying to meet that amount if you are full.

    I checked out a few days of your diary and most days you are good but you have a few that you are lower on protein. My Doctor recommends women have 20 grams at least 4 times a day (which I am bad at spreading mine out to 4, opps). You could up the lean proteins to make sure you are getting some in every meal. If I am way under my calories at dinner I just up my protein to get closer.

    For salads put meat on them or a bit of cheese (or cottage cheese although that I don't personally recommend). My usual lunch is a salad with at least 4 ounces of meat or a big bowl of homemade soup with veggies and meat. An ounce of nuts is a good way to get healthy fats, protein and calories.
    I logged in tomorrow. easier to plan ahead. if i dont exercise, ill be ok, but i am addicted to the cardio part at least....
    Can you look? I will put eggs on my salad.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I totally agree with listening and honoring your body - but only after any sugar/carb/salt addictions are well broken. Personally, I have to stay away from any more than 1 tsp of nuts while I'm losing. Nuts have too much fat per cals in them and sabatoge any weight loss effort. So, until I've got the excess gone, I'll forgoe nuts.

    Air-popped popcorn, plain, is awesome. It is filling, adds good calories, and has helpful fiber. If you must, you can spray some fake butter on it and shake some Mrs. Dash but plain is great and healthy.

  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    You're eating really well in general. Since getting in all your calories is a pretty regular challenge for you, it might be a good idea to swap out some of your 'diet' foods for the 'real' version -- things like full calorie oatmeal instead of the weight control version, normal whole wheat bread instead of the weight watchers version, etc. If you stick to full calorie, less processed versions of those foods you'll probably end up getting more nutrients as a bonus. And, if all else fails, you could always enjoy some dark chocolate covered almonds (or other calorific but healthy treat) at the end of the day ;-)
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I don't always eat my exercise calories, and I'm doing just fine. I eat them if I feel hungry or sluggish, but other than that I don', you never know if your calorie burns are accurate, even if you use a heart rate monitor, so just watch your weight losses and increase/decrease calorie intake based on that.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Nutrition bars and supplement shakes are a good source for extra calories. Hope that's helpful!

    Ok!!! Thanks!! Maybe the kashi bars arent cutting it...need to add shakes/smoothies again. man its hard to eat all that tho. the nuts are easy THANKS DETERMINED for the nut idea!!!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    calorie dense foods, peanut butter, nuts, cheese, avacado
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member