So Fustrated I want to cry...



  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Been on this journey for 32 months and can tell you that you must change your mindset and stop the stressing... Your setting yourself up to fail if you keep at this the way you are... Your injured and can't exercise, your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle, and you have only been at this for what 2 weeks.. If you really want the change and to better yourself than do it, Make the lifestyle change and start living it... This is a marathon not a sprint, get up everyday and do everything you can to be as successful as you possible can, that is all that you can ask of yourself and then get up tomorrow and do it all over again. And stay off the scale.. Pick a day and way in on that day once a week at the same time each week. Your weight will go up and down so much over the course of even a day that you can drive yourself insane... If you truly want to change and make this the rest of your life than take it one day at a time and keep working toward your goals..... Good Luck.........................

    Listen to Ed. This is the most solid advice you will find on this thread.
    It took all of us a while to get where we are, and unfortunately, it will also take us a while to get back to where we want to be.

    Good Advice. You might want to try 3000 Omega 3's a day. Purchase at Costco (Kirkland Brand) not too costly. I have been taking them for 1 year and my Triglyceride's went down from 288 to 145 in that time. You can get them at Sam's and Wal-Mart too. Wal-Mart costs a little more. If you don't have a card maybe a friend can pick them up for you.

    Another suggestion, if I may, is that you might want to check out some diaries of MFP friends or others that have open diaries, who have lost weight and see what they eat. You don't show what kind of milk you put on your oatmeal. Low fat, non fat or whole milk? Little changes are the ticket and being consistent.

    You will do well. :wink: Just keep at it and after your exercise, don't forget to stretch those muscles out that you just used. :flowerforyou:
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    "Good Advice. You might want to try 3000 Omega 3's a day. Purchase at Costco (Kirkland Brand) not too costly. I have been taking them for 1 year and my Triglyceride's went down from 288 to 145 in that time. You can get them at Sam's and Wal-Mart too. Wal-Mart costs a little more. If you don't have a card maybe a friend can pick them up for you.

    Another suggestion, if I may, is that you might want to check out some diaries of MFP friends or others that have open diaries, who have lost weight and see what they eat. You don't show what kind of milk you put on your oatmeal. Low fat, non fat or whole milk? Little changes are the ticket and being consistent.

    You will do well. :wink: Just keep at it and after your exercise, don't forget to stretch those muscles out that you just used. :flowerforyou:"


    I am taking GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil which is 900 mg Omega 3, Got really sick on Nician but am desenitizing my body and am back up to 500 mg a day 1/2 in morning and 1/2 at night...

    Since I use the packets of oatmeal I don't add milk to it just make it with a little extra water... when I do have milk which is rare I drink/ have/ use 2%

  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging words ... You may or may not realize but it does help..

    I know this is not a diet but a life change and something that I will have to keep up on for the rest of my life... with a little splurge day here and there :wink: once I lose the weight...
    Thank you for helping me remember that... I think I am going to put the scale away in the cupboard to decrease my temptation to step on it in the morning... Can really throw ones day off kilter.... :grumble:

    I will be getting my elliptical soon and as soon as my thighs heal (hopefully by the weekend on both accounts) I can start adding more cardio daily to my routine instead of just the walks on the weekends. ..

    It took me 5 years to put the weight back on this time.... I just hope it doesn't take as long to lose these 50 lbs I want .:ohwell:

    Have agreat evening and thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    biggest tip would be to only weigh weekly or fortnightly.

    if you trend down in the long run, who cares what you do on a day to day basis.
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    The scale started moving again :happy: Thanks for the encouraging words and advice it helped me to get thru that little ruff patch... It is helpfull to know tha I am not the only one out there that is and has gone thru it so early..
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Have you tried eating more? I didn't see how much you weigh, but 1200 may be too low right now. (Also, for long-term, you can't get much lower than that so you don't want your body to get used to that number--it will eventually be really really hard to lose weight.) When I was stuck in a 1200 slump, with no scale moving, I tried calorie cycling: 1500, 1200, 1400, 1200, 1300, 1200, back to 1500.