NET Goal or Total Calories...which is it???

Hello, fellow mfp.ers. I have a question. I've been doing the mfp thing 10 months..and I love it. I've lost 23lbs ( i set it up to lose 1/2 lb a very close) and that's through the holidays! I just noticed, in resetting my goals, that the "Goal" calorie intake actually says "NET" goal. So mine is 1320, but says 1527(?) as actual. But on the daily summary, it says Goal: 1320, then Food, Then Exercise, then NET. So I am confused. Do I eat the 1320 regardless? Here's my stats:

Started at 165
Goal 25 lbs (have 2 to go...but would like to go 5 beyond that)
I'm 5'5
142 Now
52yr old F
Activity I have set at sedentary
Use my work as my exercise ( I have MS..can't really do much after work, too tired..but very active at with 2 year olds...lots of walking and lifting. I count housework and long walk/shopping outings when I can) So exercise set sort of low.

Finding myself getting hungrier. I'll go one week with no weight loss and next I lose 1 lb. Wierd.
I've been doing the staggered calorie intake more some days, less others. ALWAYS under for the week. My BMR is 1257.

Any suggestions? Thank you.
