eating back cal?



  • This is the million $$ question!

    In fact, I just posted a comment about this yesterday. For this week, I'm going to stick to my 1360 calories, and not eat my logged in activity points. I had a slow loss over the last 6 weeks (3lbs.), and am hoping to throw a wrench into my body. Every BODY is different. Try different things out as you journey into your weightloss. You never know what will work for you!

    Looks like you have already climbed a moutain with your spectacular weight loss....CONGRATS!!
  • not exactly true, when your blood sugars are constantly going up and down your metabolism will not stabalize and burn like you want it to when your loosing weight. Eating small meals every few hours helps to stabalize blood sugars and increase metabolism.
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    I'm skeptical that you're actually burning 1000 calories. Are you running for 2 hours straight or something? How do you come up with that estimate?

    well 3 to 4 days a week start out with 30 mins on the treadmill at home(5:00am) starting with a 3.0 for the first couple of mins and then going to a jog then a 5.5 or 6.0 run for the last of it then back down to a walk.. then i go to work , then i go to the gym around 7pm start on the cybex elipitcal looking machine (sryy no clue what it is) usually do that for 40 -45 mins with a resistance of 80 + and the incline at 10. then move to the treadmill there and do the same as above but not as long usually with cool down is 20 mins. then for 15 mins plus cool down i use the eliptical, then depending on the time i will go on the bike . followed by weights. i always take what the machine says i burned and minus % off because they are offf. well regardless of how many cal i burn its worked for 48 ibs now.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    not exactly true, when your blood sugars are constantly going up and down your metabolism will not stabalize and burn like you want it to when your losing weight. Eating small meals every few hours helps to stabalize blood sugars and increase metabolism.

    This isn't true. Keep in mind, your body is suffocated enough to adjust as long as there isn't a medical condition preventing that. Also, there have been studies that suggest interim fasting can provide benefits to fat burning, over and above that of eating more frequently.

    XoSaraoX - I feel your pain on bad knees as I tore my MCL. My question is, how can you do all this crazy cardio but you can't do minor leg workouts with weights? Most of those machines put my stress on your knees than stuff like lunges. Also, building your leg muscles will prevent your body from relying on ligaments and tendons, which improves knee function. Just curious.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    XoSaraoX - I feel your pain on bad knees as I tore my MCL. My question is, how can you do all this crazy cardio but you can't do minor leg workouts with weights? Most of those machines put my stress on your knees than stuff like lunges. Also, building your leg muscles will prevent your body from relying on ligaments and tendons, which improves knee function. Just curious.

    This. :smile:

    I always had knee, ankle, and hip problems because I'm hypermobile, but since I've strengthened my muscles, my joints are much more stable.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    or should i eat them back before when i plan on going to the gym...

  • It's a numbers game. Simple really. 1 lb = 3500 kcal. If you have -7000 kcal deficit for the week, you lose 2 lbs that week.

    Work on weekly data, not daily- but keep an eye on it. The body is smart, it'll let you know when hungry.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    maybe your looking for living proof, I would say yes and i gain muscle mass, losing fat and losing weight!
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    i tore all of anterior cruciate ligaments in both knees when i was in grade 7, its been 10 years since that and this fall im finally having surgery. iv been soo use to the pain that comes with walking running jogging since iv done sports (rugby, soccer, and volleyball) since that happened,. i can handle the pain when it comes to the treadmill and eliptical, it when more weight gets added i find tears running down my face, and end up with bruises that take for ever to go away. dont get me wrong i sleep with icepacks on both knees every single night.
  • Eating BACK calories is not the way to look at it. You don't say oh i just burned 500 calories i'll go eat it. You need to NET the calories in the day. your net is what you burn (living a healthy life you need at least 1200 calories, and work out) - what you eat = 0 ... CALORIES IN EQUALS CALORIES OUT. all you have to remember. and plan ahead. If i know I have a hard work out that burns 500 calories I never wait till 8pm to consume those even if its when I just burned that.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Eating BACK calories is not the way to look at it. You don't say oh i just burned 500 calories i'll go eat it. You need to NET the calories in the day. your net is what you burn (living a healthy life you need at least 1200 calories, and work out) - what you eat = 0 ... CALORIES IN EQUALS CALORIES OUT. all you have to remember. and plan ahead. If i know I have a hard work out that burns 500 calories I never wait till 8pm to consume those even if its when I just burned that.

    Here is someone who gets it. :drinker:
  • sweetpeaz12345
    sweetpeaz12345 Posts: 64 Member
    i tore all of anterior cruciate ligaments in both knees when i was in grade 7, its been 10 years since that and this fall im finally having surgery. iv been soo use to the pain that comes with walking running jogging since iv done sports (rugby, soccer, and volleyball) since that happened,. i can handle the pain when it comes to the treadmill and eliptical, it when more weight gets added i find tears running down my face, and end up with bruises that take for ever to go away. dont get me wrong i sleep with icepacks on both knees every single night.

    You should try swimming, its a great no impact activity, and is no so hard on your joints. Plus its a great burn!
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member

    You should try swimming, its a great no impact activity, and is no so hard on your joints. Plus its a great burn!

    have a pool and swim every chance i get...
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    People need to be aware you cannot determine exercise calories with any sort of accuracy. Most machines over estimate by a massive margin. So if you are "burning" 1000 cal on a treadmill, you are most likely actually burning much less probably less then 700. This is why i do not like people eating calories back based on machine readings.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    People need to be aware you cannot determine exercise calories with any sort of accuracy. Most machines over estimate by a massive margin. So if you are "burning" 1000 cal on a treadmill, you are most likely actually burning much less probably less then 700. This is why i do not like people eating calories back based on machine readings.

    No, but if the machine says you burned 1000, you're probably safe assuming you hit at least 500.

    I consciously try to underestimate but I do eat a lot of the calories back.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    i tore all of anterior cruciate ligaments in both knees when i was in grade 7, its been 10 years since that and this fall im finally having surgery. iv been soo use to the pain that comes with walking running jogging since iv done sports (rugby, soccer, and volleyball) since that happened,. i can handle the pain when it comes to the treadmill and eliptical, it when more weight gets added i find tears running down my face, and end up with bruises that take for ever to go away. dont get me wrong i sleep with icepacks on both knees every single night.

    Can you do stuff without weights? Sorry, not trying to belabor this conversation. But if you started without weights for a while (maybe some sexy knee braces) and eventually added 5 lbs here and there. I ask because it's what I did. If not, then we will move on, lol.
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    i tore all of anterior cruciate ligaments in both knees when i was in grade 7, its been 10 years since that and this fall im finally having surgery. iv been soo use to the pain that comes with walking running jogging since iv done sports (rugby, soccer, and volleyball) since that happened,. i can handle the pain when it comes to the treadmill and eliptical, it when more weight gets added i find tears running down my face, and end up with bruises that take for ever to go away. dont get me wrong i sleep with icepacks on both knees every single night.

    Can you do stuff without weights? Sorry, not trying to belabor this conversation. But if you started without weights for a while (maybe some sexy knee braces) and eventually added 5 lbs here and there. I ask because it's what I did. If not, then we will move on, lol.

    i sometimes do stuff without weights, lol i do own two not so sexy knee braces, but very expesive , but find it very weird to workout with them on, something that im sure the more i do it, the less "weird" it will become. i think its the metal in the sides that make even moving the feet on the eliptical hard.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    People need to be aware you cannot determine exercise calories with any sort of accuracy. Most machines over estimate by a massive margin. So if you are "burning" 1000 cal on a treadmill, you are most likely actually burning much less probably less then 700. This is why i do not like people eating calories back based on machine readings.

    GD PT! In the begining of a weight loss program you have to eat back but eventually you should just use that deficit to accelerate fat loss. I don't eat back cals and when I do its under by alot at leats

    I currently add in my cals and then negate them with fake food entries.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    People need to be aware you cannot determine exercise calories with any sort of accuracy. Most machines over estimate by a massive margin. So if you are "burning" 1000 cal on a treadmill, you are most likely actually burning much less probably less then 700. This is why i do not like people eating calories back based on machine readings.

    There's a really easy way to determine if your calorie burn is accurate... and that's by the results you get. :wink: The estimates I get from MFP, Runkeeper and the treadmill are all very close to each other, and while eating my calories, I got the results I wanted when I wanted to lose, and I'm maintaining while maintaining.

    So that would be my advice. Try it. If it doesn't work, tweak it.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Is it bad that I've seen so many of these topics that the title just blurred together and I read it as "eating black cats?"

    No, I don't think you should eat kitties. That's not nice.

    /off topic

    I don't eat back my calories though, but that's just because I'm assuming food contains more calories than it says it contains and I burn less than the machine says I burn.