Dukan Diet

Has anyone ever tried or known someone who has tried the Dukan Diet? Similar to Atkins diet- High protein, low carbs... but very restricted in short amounts of time.
Just looking for some more info on it, and wondering if it works without easily putting weight back on afterwards


  • eleanorgm
    eleanorgm Posts: 1 Member

    I've been doing the diet since September and have now lost 30 kg (65-ish lbs). It's quite simple but has strict rules, which I found made it easier to stick to! There are 4 phases, attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilisation. I am still in the cruise phase as although I have reached my goal weight I would like to loose a little more, although I think I will move to the consolidation phase in 2 weeks.

    Ok so quickly I'll explain the first 2 phases. The attack phase is only protein for about 3-5 days - EXCEPT for 1.5 tbsp of oat bran a day. You have to walk for a minimum of 20 mins a day and drink about 1.5-2 litres of any fluid. Basically you are allowed no sugar (including fruit), no carbohydrates or fat. Then the cruise phase lasts for much longer and depends on how much weight you are planing to loose, you can check this on the dukan website for free, although you have to make an account but it's worth it so you know the time periods. So in this phase you can have vegetables every other day. There are limits on some veg such as carrots and beetroot but everything else is fine. You should now be walking for about 30 mins.

    Also when I say only protein I mean chicken, beef, turkey, venison, veal, any fish, eggs and you can flavour all of this with seasoning, spices and herbs. You can also have fat free yogurt and skimmed milk. Also sweetener can be used in anything. Sorry if this is a bit vague! The best thing to do is buy his book, that is what ultimately convinced me to do it, everything he says is backed up with evidence that makes sense and I liked how it was based on science which he explained.

    Anyway I hope this is helpful, this diet has changed my life and I would strongly recommend it but definitely read his book, cover to cover, and follow everything he says to the T and you can't go wrong! Feel free to ask anymore questions or ask about something that I didn't explain very well! Good luck!
