Whole milk

I normally DON'T drink whole milk (prefer 2% or 1%), but the only milk in my fridge at the moment was whole and I was getting kind of desperate because 1. I'm diabetic, so I was feeling weak and 2. I didn't eat enough calories today and I worked out too-so I just wanted to grab something quick that could fill me up. I was wondering if whole milk is really all that bad if you're trying to loose weight? When it comes to milk, I only drink one glass a day max, usually 3 times a week to get some kind of dairy in. I understand it is higher in calories and fat than 2% or skim, but what if your overall daily caloric intake is low and allows for that. Is it still bad?


  • VolcanoMouse
    I'm pretty biased in favor of the 'eat fat lose fat' school of thought, but I suspect that whole milk and full-fat yogurt keep me fuller longer and thus better able to make good choices. I also remember reading an article last year that suggested that skim milk was mostly empty calories and that people who drank whole stayed thinner:

  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I really only drink whole milk. I don't drink it much, though, just because it doesn't really occur to me. I put it in tea and coffee and I make kefir and yogurt with it. Skim is just weird to me. I'd rather just drink water.

    Is there something in particular you are worried about with respect to whole milk?
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I use whole milk in my morning coffee, but the rest of the time I use skim. Sometimes the whole milk is just more satisfying (like in coffee. At least I am no longer using half and half in my coffee). Unless you drink LOTS of whole milk, I dont think you need to worry about it.