time spent at the gym

i can be at the gym to probably 2 hours at a time... and i guess im just wondering how much time is too much/too little? if i wanted to stay at the gym for say 4 hours would my body reach a point where it wasnt really burning anything important? im just anxious i guess... im working out a lot and not seeing results fast enough... patience is my problem.


  • skinnieminniemouse
    My gym sends me emails with advice and tips and one said short intense workouts work best so the optimum time to spend in the gym is about 50 minutes. I'm usually there for about an hour.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    Im there 1 hour...all weights!!
  • JessicaHoskins
    In order for me to win my free membership to the local YMCA, I had a quota where I had to attend a minimum of 3 times/week for 1/2 hour each time. Now I go whenever my schedule allows it...once my injured foot is totally healed, I'll be going back to the Gym with a vengance!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I can spend up to 2 hours...but generally maximum work-out (if cardio intense) is about an hour and then I go for a swim/sauna etc (more of a leisure activity than additional cardio for the second hour)!

    I try and mix up my visits so I don't get bored, so weights on alternate days with cardio, just swim on days I feel I really can't be bothered and I attend yoga once a week. On average I do something to make me break into a sweat 6 days a week.

    To reduce your time try pushing yourself harder (I am completely reiterating some advice I was given last night by a friend) go by distance and increase speed rather than plodding at a comfortable pace when on the treadmill etc.... x
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    45mins to an hour is max for an effective work out - particularly with strength training.

    Fine if you are training for endurance or swimming as well, but you are far better doing an intense 45 mins of cardio than 2 hours of plodding on the treadmill/elliptical/bikes....
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I generally work out for an hour. I couldn't really do more than that at one time. I don't know what your routine is but it seems like you need to up your intensity if you can spend 4 hours at the gym.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't gym more than 2 hours at a time, and generally I gym for 1 hour at a time just due to time constraints. I do something for an hour, then I do something else for an hour and then it looses something for me.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    45min for upper body days for weightlifting
    15min for lower body days

    1hour interval cardio every day. +walking 20min total both ways from gym.

    Lets me have alot of excercise calories, so i can eat more.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    90 - 120 mins 4-5 times a week, mainly cardio

    Worked up to this level over the last 6 months and the only sports related issue I have had is joggers nipple :smile:
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    I work out for an hour and a half to two hours. I do 45 min cardio, then the rest of the time weights. it just depends on what muscle group I'm working on to determine how long I am there.
  • jodee_donavan
    jodee_donavan Posts: 51 Member
    I used to think it would take a couple hours for me and I'd be there and waste my whole afternoon there- working out and that became my life- workout and gym- nothing else. I think that's also why I would be an all or nothing type person- and gain the weight back. now this time i have a clear desire to keep it off- and I am trying to research maintenance- that said- I am limiting myself to 1 hour- get in and out- work hard (when I can) or just show up (and do SOMETHING on the bad days). I am working on intensity as opposed to length of time- so I can realize that health doesn't have to engulf my life- it can be a part of it.

    Think long term- do you really want to spend the rest of your life in the gym- probably not- work efficiently.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    45 minutes of strength
    45 minutes of cardio
    15 minutes of sit ups push ups and stretching
    unlimited jaw muscles exercise!
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    2 hours is a high amount for me....and my time is usually split 2/3 weight training and 1/3 cardio. I'm usually in there 1 1/2 hours on average.