Absolutely terrified of putting weight back on.

Hi Guys/Girls,

Im looking for some advice as to what I should do from here, I've been loosing weight since last February, lost just over 6 stone in total. Gone from 18st 6lbs to my current weight of 12st 4lbs.

Weight loss has been steady over the last year, roughly averaging about 1kg a week, sometimes just maintaining. Recently though I've been noticing some things that are confusing me such as:

- About 4 weeks ago, I didn't loose any weight for about 3 weeks even though I haven't changed my diet in the slightest the whole year I've been loosing weight, last week, I lost 3lbs, I was at my parents for a few days, I ate more and did significantly less exercise.
- My weigh ins are every friday, sometimes I'd weigh myself and wouldn't have lost anything, but I'd weigh myself the following Monday and I'd have lost 1kg (My boyfriend says it is maybe because I'm eating more on the weekend when his mum cooks for us, which Im beginning to believe after reading some posts here).

I joined MFP after being recommended that I start to track my calories to see what I'm eating and therefore determine why I'm not loosing weight.

After entering a few days of food and exercise, Im only averaging about 400 NET calories a day (which I believe is VERY bad and starvation mode). Thing is, I've been eating this way since last february and I haven't even realised that this is what I have been doing to myself until now.

After further reading, it seems that I need to make a change somehow, however, Im not sure where exactly,
- Do I just lower my exercise(currently 60mins a day everyday about 600cals according to the cross trainer)?
- Do just I eat more and keep my exercise the same?
- Do I lower my exercise AND eat more?

Also after reading, people say that when you eat more after being in starvation mode, your body will want to hold on to everything and now it has got me really paranoid, upset and terrified that all the effort in weight loss that i've done so far has gone down the drain and Im gonna gain it all back..

What would people recommend that my plan of action is from here (hopefully that plan does not involve me gaining back all the weight)




  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Hiya Laura

    I've not long been on here but I thought I'd reply, sure you'll probably get more useful answers though lol

    I've been losing weight since last summer and I'm now trying to maintain. I was still losing weight even after upping my food. So I came here and realised I too was eating far too few calories (probably why I was always getting colds and was very tired). I've upped mine alot and am finally maintaining, haven't gained anything. I'm eating roughly 1700 cals every day with my exercise, some days more. So don't be afraid to up your cals, you may gain initially till your body realises whats going on but you'll loss again then. I wouldn't change my exercise if you enjoy doing it, its good for your body.

    Best of luck, and you can friend me if you like x
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss. Six stone is an inredible amount of weight to have lost so well done!

    Try not to panic or worry about gaining weight. If you think about it, the only way you can gain weight is to eat approximately 3500 calories OVER your maintenance and exercise calories (this is to gain a single pound) so long as you are not doing this you should be fine!

    Netting 400 cals every day is not good and you should aim to net 1200 in a day. Personally I exercise to eat more! Also remember that on different days we weigh different amounts, this can be down to water retention, hormones, being full of food etc and try not to sweat over the numbers on the scales. Make sure you take some measurements too as that can show a difference when the scales don't.

    Good luck and yes, eat more - and enjoy it! x
  • laura_fat2fit
    laura_fat2fit Posts: 82 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss. Six stone is an inredible amount of weight to have lost so well done!

    Try not to panic or worry about gaining weight. If you think about it, the only way you can gain weight is to eat approximately 3500 calories OVER your maintenance and exercise calories (this is to gain a single pound) so long as you are not doing this you should be fine!

    Netting 400 cals every day is not good and you should aim to net 1200 in a day. Personally I exercise to eat more! Also remember that on different days we weigh different amounts, this can be down to water retention, hormones, being full of food etc and try not to sweat over the numbers on the scales. Make sure you take some measurements too as that can show a difference when the scales don't.

    Good luck and yes, eat more - and enjoy it! x

    Thanks for the advice, Im gonna up my calories and lower my exercise alittle(purely because I dont think I would be able to eat 1800 calories a day.

    Instead I'll try and eat 1600 calories and do 40mins(which is about 400 cals on the cross trainer apparently) so i can have NET calories of 1200 if im not mistaken.

    I'll see how it goes :)