Tummy stretch marks from pregnancy...

During both of my pregnancies I got pretty nasty stretch marks on my stomach, Baby #1 all under my belly button and Baby #2 all above my belly button (I thank my children each day...lol j/k)
The scars are pretty faded, but now that I'm getting my pre-baby body back with all the weight loss my stomach is starting to look like an old lady's stomach! :laugh:

Any suggestions or tips to tighten up this skin and reduce the appearance of the scars?!?!


  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    During both of my pregnancies I got pretty nasty stretch marks on my stomach, Baby #1 all under my belly button and Baby #2 all above my belly button (I thank my children each day...lol j/k)
    The scars are pretty faded, but now that I'm getting my pre-baby body back with all the weight loss my stomach is starting to look like an old lady's stomach! :laugh:

    Any suggestions or tips to tighten up this skin and reduce the appearance of the scars?!?!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am in your same boat. Exactly.:laugh: I have heard there are creams out there that help but even though I used one during my last pregnancy it didn't seem to make a difference. You could try mederma, it worked really well on a surgical scar but I didn't try it on my stretch marks. Hopefully some other people have great and better ideas! :wink:
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    My stretch marks are my nemesis! Even in my best shape (see: wedding picture), both my stomach and my chest were rippled stretch marks. It really is a shame to have defined abs covered with purple and silver lines. I have given up for the most part, since my son is 11 yrs. old. I have noticed though that they are much less visible when my stomach is toned and I have a light tan. I have heard that staying hydrated both internally and externally helps. Time does help fade them also.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Short of a tummy tuck, there is no way to completely get rid of stretch marks or saggy skin. The skin is damaged and elasticity is lost, and there is no way to get that back. Sorry. But don't feel bad, you aren't the only one with that problem.
  • MissesOfficer
    I don't even have children and my tummy is a victim of these! Mine have faded a lot and I tan often so that helps, but I still notice them tons; but I bet once my stomach is smaller they will be smaller and therefore harder to notice. And I probably notice them more than anyone else does. I have heard bio-oil works really well, but never tried it myself. Good luck :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Keep it hydrated .. it will either tighten over time or it wont. Only time will tell whether or not the stretching damaged the elasticity.

    I had a C-section so beyond the skin, I have some damaged muscle that will prevent my apron from completely going away.