Failure of the Last 2 Weeks

I've been going off the rails for the last 2 weeks and I could do with some motivation and support. Anyone else hit a point where they're finding it really hard to stick to the diet and exercise?


  • apvalletta
    apvalletta Posts: 110 Member
    Daily! Seriously, don't beat yourself up about it. I think it happens every so often but you will get yourself back on track. I kind of go off every 2 weeks or so, but I don't go completely crazy. I get disgusted with myself then get back on track. It happens so just dig dip into what's motivating you to get fit & you will be back in no time. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you like, we all need support!
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    Absolutely and I think everyone here already been there.
    I can tell you that at this moment I've got to the point where my weight doesnt drop or doesn't increase and it's been like this for 2 weeks. I haven't given up yet but today particularly I'm taking the day off just to eat pasta at the mall and I will cook a delicious meal in the evening because I'm tired of eating vegetables and soup.

    But I tell you something: I'm not giving up and I know that tomorrow and the next day I need to be better and "behave" and maybe change my meal plan, twist things a little bit. So if you have that conscience, if you're aware that you've been off the track it's never too late to get back on track.

    My two pieces of advice at this moment (even being a little dismotivated as well) is: buy some new clothes (yesterday I bought myself a gorgeous skirt that I'm wearing today). It's always a boost to your confidence. The other advice is, twist your meal plan, twist your meals, have new foods, discover new foods. I think you will be surprised by new low cal flavours around the market.

    P.S. I'm sorry for the bad english, it's not my first language *blush*
  • Yes!! Before Monday for about 2 weeks also!!! 8000 calories somedays, and usually 3000 at my lowest!!! Ive been doing good though for the past few days, and almost feel 100% again :) Don't worry, just pick urself right back up, and NEVER give up!!! U got this hun <3 Good Luck!! :)
  • It Happends to everyone; what i do is try and think about why i am trying to lose weight or think of a reason ie summer, wanting to wear a swin suit or a party or special occasion. I am getting married in November and even with that i still have bad weeks, i find small goals better to work towards like getting into the lower stone.

    good luck, i hope you find the motivation you need.