Rate of weight loss- consistant or weird ??



  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    After my first 15 lbs fell off, it started getting really inconsistent. I'd gain a pound or two for a week and then lost 4 suddenly. The only thing that is consistent are my measurement changes in the mirror. I haven't budged more than a pound in the last two weeks but my chest and midsection are a lot more defined. Scale makes it really hard to judge progress on any sort of weight lifting program
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    How do you find you are losing the weight ? 1lb a week consistantly, or every 2 wks or every few days ??

    I am starting to see a pattern here with my weight loss, I seem to go 2wks with hardly a budge on the scale and then the 3rd week I find I will loose like 3-5lbs over a period of 5 days or so.... seems to come off every 3 wks ..( thankfully I am almost about to see more loss again ) haha

    Anyone else like that ? It's hard to handle some times because you get discouraged those 2wks and then you have a "high" the 3rd week.

    I only weigh myself once per week and the weightloss seems to have been pretty consistent.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    My weight loss has been surprisingly steady.
    My graph is pretty straight down with only a few weeks where I didn't weigh in.
    My theory is that I'm not affected very much by the usual cycle because I am 61 and my cycle stopped 10 years ago. Even now I get a small monthly boost in water retention and sweets craving.

    I was going to write almost the same thing, except that I'm 3 years younger and my rate of weight loss did bounce around during the early weeks of the C25K program. The line was very smooth otherwise, and the average weekly loss was fairly constant even during the first month of running. I'm assuming the fluctuation had less to do with fat burning than with my body's reaction to the switch from low impact (elliptical) to high impact aerobics.
  • delvir
    delvir Posts: 14 Member
    Thank You finally someone has answered a question i have had for 2 weeks. i lost 42 lbs, and then in the last week have gained 3 and yet i am more defined and have kept calories between 1200-1320 just for a steady drop so was suprised when working out harder and actually weighing all meals that i gained. Will keep at it as i know the loss is coming........Thank You for your insight...............:)) whew........
  • dhayes413
    I agree with all of what has been said. there is no magic pattern but you should expect irregularities. I read a book, "made to crave" and the section I love talked about before you step on the scale you need to ask yourself four questions..while I can't quote them exactly it had to do with did you eat healthy this week? Did you sneak food when no one was looking? Do you feel better about your body? If you feel good about how you did the weight on the scale should not influence your motivation. As others have said there are many factors (water weight, muscle gain, time of the month, etc.). Tracking your actual measurements may be a good way to evaluate when the lose is not seen on the scale or just trying on a pair of jeans that were too tight when you started. I only joined about five weeks ago but was counting calories a week or two prior to that on my own. I'm averaging about a pound or so a week. It seems I have been on a diet for the last 25 years so I realize diets do not work. You have to make a life change in how you eat and to maintain the weight loss your progress may be slow. I would love to lose 10 pounds in a month but I also am wise enough to know that if I deny myself a girl scout cookie or two (or three) than I'll be binging later. Better to make slow and steady changes now and maintain in the long run. I do not know how true this one is but I've heard starting your day with a cup of warm water with a half a lemon squeezed in it works to start your day of burning calories. I tried it but could not handle the taste so I'll leave this research to you all.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Yes, exactly this post!

    I am ready to cry each morning when the scale doesn't move down, or worse goes up. I eat 1400 calories a day (sometimes less) and I kickbox train three times a week, sometimes four, which burns about 1000 an hour. It makes no sense that this morning I weighed a pound more than yesterday even though I had class last night and stayed at 1300 calories, and about 30 grams of fat.

    I've been counting calories since December 6, and now I'm nearing the three month mark and just about 20 lost. I wanted 10 a month so I am very off track and it makes me upset and sad. Nearly ready to give up sometimes. I just went through a three week plateau that I thought I finally finished until yesterday went flat.

    If it makes you feel any better I have been at this since Nov 26th so longer than you and I am only down 17lbs. Oh and I have the same amount to lose as you.
    Don't give up, I think as we strain and work muscles, kickboxing or swimming or lifting weights the muscles retain water to heal and that makes us heavier.
    I have also found that I always seem to lose after a "rest day" hahaha, never the morning after a hard workout.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I also need to add that I am tracking my measurement as well, I have lost about 6" in the past 7wks alone :)
    Please don't think I am not happy with my weight loss, I am , I just started to see a pattern and wanted to know what other people's body's do when it comes to dropping the weight.
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I think this is very interesting and affirming. My loss is inconsistent also. I've resorted to weighing myself only when I'm "feeling" like I lost. I think there are alot of factors that play into what the scale says. I know that after my cycles starts again I drop tons. I think those two weeks leading up I'm ravenouse and tired. And I too have noticed after a rest day I weigh less. I think that has to do with water weight due to inflammation from you body trying to recover. I thnk if you can look at your one month report and see the overall graph consistantly moving downwards your doing fine. Cheers.
  • teacherbarb
    teacherbarb Posts: 9 Member
    Don't give up. That is the thing. As long as you keep working and keep counting the calories, you will drop the weight. It is just a matter. of time. You will see the weight come off.
  • Graciecny
    OP, thank you for asking this! Thus far, in my short time here, I've had weeks with no loss at all, and some with 3 pounds. I just don't get it, but clearly it isn't going to be consistent. I feel so much better that I'm not the only one.

    FWIW, I've been eating back exercise calories (trying to be conservative about how many I earned) but I finally bought a heart rate monitor to be sure I'm not eating back anything I haven't actually earned. I'm really concerned that might be the cause of my issues (or one of them at least...the other is that my diet is definitely not what it should be. It is better than it ever has been, but still has a loooong way to go!).
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Yes, exactly this post!

    I am ready to cry each morning when the scale doesn't move down, or worse goes up. I eat 1400 calories a day (sometimes less) and I kickbox train three times a week, sometimes four, which burns about 1000 an hour. It makes no sense that this morning I weighed a pound more than yesterday even though I had class last night and stayed at 1300 calories, and about 30 grams of fat.

    I've been counting calories since December 6, and now I'm nearing the three month mark and just about 20 lost. I wanted 10 a month so I am very off track and it makes me upset and sad. Nearly ready to give up sometimes. I just went through a three week plateau that I thought I finally finished until yesterday went flat.

    I was doing the same thing and got through it by eating more. I KNOW it's scary, but when you figure that mathematically you're not getting the results you want, maybe it's time to try something new? Friend me if you like - I'm happy to help!!

  • hcs82
    hcs82 Posts: 17
    That's only a two week difference, and we are going for the same goal amount pretty much! I'm going to friend you if that's okay, we can help motivate each other.

    I am really happy to hear that I am not alone - everyone gives different advice but the main key I guess is that we need to keep at it. No matter what, we ARE making ourselves healthier, even if it slows down sometimes. I guess I look at it like "I've been battling calories and trying to make my life better for MONTHS now, why aren't I thin yet???" when in reality I have to be patient.
  • hcs82
    hcs82 Posts: 17
    How much more did you eat? On your exercise days or non-exercise days? I'm willing to try even though it IS scary, I don't want to gain more or give myself some excuse to eat badly more often.
  • jonhopper217
    I just started my (hate using the word diet, because it's just portion control) on Monday. Like is always the case when I cut back, I lose dramatic amounts early....I've lost 6lbs in 3 days. I've been drinking the same amount of fluids, etc. I'm eating the same foods, etc. This seems to always happen. I once went on Atkins years ago. Lost 12 lbs in the first week, lost another 7 the second and then lost roughly a 1.5 lbs over the next ten weeks. The entire time I stuck to a strict 20-40 carbs a day diet.

    Another time, while simply counting calories (which is what I'm doing now) I lost roughly 55 lbs in six months. Lost 20-25 in the first month and once again 1.5 per week the rest of the way
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    thanks for your responses everyone !! I see it's not just me and everyone loses weight differently. I am starting to see this pattern like I mentioned above and as long as I know that's the way it's going to be I can live with it because that 3rd week is so very rewarding haha

    Funny though, this 3wk cycle has nothing to do with my monthly cycle, in fact I find I lose the weeks you would think I was bloated or gaining water lol

    I'm just the opposite of you. I seem to loose every week consistently by the very END of the week between 1.5 and 2 lbs. so far...However, in the 4th week I lose nothing. Probably cuz of my monthly cycle and water retention. Then 3 to 5 days after TOM makes it's arrival I've lost up to 3 lbs. I agree with you, we are all different, but surprisingly if we do stick with it long enough and are observant a pattern does emerge and it makes it easier once we know what to expect.

    Oh, and I also noticed after a weekend, when I allow myself 200-400 more calories as a "treat" day, I notice a slightly bigger drop sometimes too...weird!
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Yes, exactly this post!

    I am ready to cry each morning when the scale doesn't move down, or worse goes up. I eat 1400 calories a day (sometimes less) and I kickbox train three times a week, sometimes four, which burns about 1000 an hour. It makes no sense that this morning I weighed a pound more than yesterday even though I had class last night and stayed at 1300 calories, and about 30 grams of fat.

    I've been counting calories since December 6, and now I'm nearing the three month mark and just about 20 lost. I wanted 10 a month so I am very off track and it makes me upset and sad. Nearly ready to give up sometimes. I just went through a three week plateau that I thought I finally finished until yesterday went flat.

    A loss of 20 pounds in three months is excellent. Don't beat yourself up over the fact you were trying for 30 - accept the victory of having lost 20.

    I, too, had set an aggressive goal of 10 pounds a month. At the 3.5 month mark I'm down 27 pounds instead of 35. But I'm okay with that because I know I'm still heading in the right direction.

    I've also had the plateaus where my weight would fluctuate within a 5-pound range for a week or more at a time. These plateaus are frustrating, for sure, but patience and persistence is the key. I keep focused on the long-term goal, and that keeps me from giving up.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    My pattern is similar, I'll have a couple of weeks with a pound loss, then one week I'll maintain, followed by a good loss of at least a couple of pounds.

    As long as I don't see the scale go up I can live with a maintain occasionally as I know its mainly due to fluid retention, something I still suffer with, although not as badly as the pounds drop..

    I have found though that on a week where I don't particularly lose much weight, I've lost size. Also, sometimes if I've had a day where I did go over my calories by quite a bit, I lose more that week??!! I suppose it's my body being fooled by the increase in calories!

    Onwards and downwards!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    My pattern is similar, I'll have a couple of weeks with a pound loss, then one week I'll maintain, followed by a good loss of at least a couple of pounds.

    As long as I don't see the scale go up I can live with a maintain occasionally as I know its mainly due to fluid retention, something I still suffer with, although not as badly as the pounds drop..

    I have found though that on a week where I don't particularly lose much weight, I've lost size. Also, sometimes if I've had a day where I did go over my calories by quite a bit, I lose more that week??!! I suppose it's my body being fooled by the increase in calories!

    Onwards and downwards!

    Thanks for adding to this conversation, it's nice to hear it from someone who has been as successful as you have. I find that on days that I eat bad food, and then have a rest day I lose afterwards haha, makes no sense but whatever, If I eat clean for a week and exercise each day.....not change lol
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    My pattern is similar, I'll have a couple of weeks with a pound loss, then one week I'll maintain, followed by a good loss of at least a couple of pounds.

    As long as I don't see the scale go up I can live with a maintain occasionally as I know its mainly due to fluid retention, something I still suffer with, although not as badly as the pounds drop..

    I have found though that on a week where I don't particularly lose much weight, I've lost size. Also, sometimes if I've had a day where I did go over my calories by quite a bit, I lose more that week??!! I suppose it's my body being fooled by the increase in calories!

    Onwards and downwards!

    I agree with this! In the past 3 weeks I have "only" lost 2 pounds from my lowest - was up and down the same three then lost 5. BUT, I went from an 18 jeans to very comfortable 16 in that time.
  • meganmorsey
    Mine has been similar to yours, OP. I will stay the same for 3 weeks or so, then drop 2-4 pounds and stay there for another 3 weeks. It seems to be related to my cycles actually. My lowest weight always seems to be right before my period starts, which is weird because I would think that I would be retaining water then.

    Except right now I'm discouraged because I'm up 3 pounds from my lowest. I guess I'll see what happens in a couple of weeks!