The never ending battle.


I'm Michelle. I'm 46 years old.

About five years ago, I lost a total of 115 pounds on my own. No surgery. Just me, heathy eating, and exercise.

I went through a lot of changes in my life recently. I basically had to start over from scratch. In the process, I let my vigilence slip and have gained back 50 pounds. I feel pretty awful about myself right now, but I know it can be done because I've already done it!

I was once diabetic, had high blood pressure, and took a whole host of medications. Today, I'm free of those illnesses. But I know that won't last if I continue on this slippery slope. I am hoping to focus on healthy eating and dedication to exercise to get back on track.

Some of my biggest problems are the foods I'm tempted with that are specific to the area in which I live. I'm from southern Louisiana. But the biggest challenge I face is my own head. I tell myself the most self-defeating things. Even at my thinnest, those "voices" never seem to go away. That's ultimately the biggest battle I face.

Guess it's time to get to work!