Question...Best Choice Eating Out

I have to eat out today. I going with a group to a buffet chinese place. You cannot order off the menu. I was considering egg drop soup, steamed rice, or chicken on a stick.

Also, next door is a subway...I could get a veggie sub.

OR there is a Publix...I could get something there....

Best advice???? Ideas, please!


  • AmandaBroun
    Any chance the chinese place has one of those make your own stirfry bars? The buffet near me has one - they've got raw veggies and meat (kept frosty) that you can load up on your plate, and then hand it over to the grill cook.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Subway for sure. Skip the Chinese.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    All of the things you've mentioned and maybe some stir-fried veg or fish dishes? Eat light for the rest of the day and enjoy! Or alternatively hit the gym to earn the extra cals or have it as a 'cheat meal'. I'm a believer this is a lifestyle change and nipping next door to get a calorie controlled food item when out with friends wouldn't work for me! x