Tall and fairly thin - still can't get rid of belly!

Hey all! For the life of me, I can not get rid of my extra belly pouch. It's like I had a baby, but I didn't!

I'm tall and reasonably thin - 5'9'' and 145lbs with a medium build. I will never be super skinny and I'm becoming ok with that.

I've been on MFP for quite some time now and stay consistently at my calorie goal of 1500. I don't eat poorly - I eat lots of fruits and veggies, and lots of lean meat.

I regularly exercise, though for only 30-45 min a day. I vary between doing Jillian Michaels DVDs, Pilates (on a reformer), and doing the c25k program. I haven't lost a significant amount of weight (which I'm ok with), but I just can NOT lose the flabby stomach.

Are there any tips that I'm totally missing or is it all in the food? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!