New to MyFitnessPal!

:happy: Hello everyone! I'm turning the big 2-4 tomorrow, and decided I need to start NOW in order to look decent for summer weather just around the corner. I'd like to shed about 15 pounds putting me at around 135. I gain my weight in my thighs and lovehandles, but the more I search, target zones are something make believe. I've been doing well the last few days making healthy dinners and tracking my progress on MyFitnessPal. I'm excited for change! Good luck to everyone!


  • Hi Carissa! It sounds like we have very similar goals! I am 24 and am striving for 130-135 as well. Best of luck. :)
  • Carissa welcome abroad, I just started today myself. I'm 37 years old 4' 11" and weigh about 112lbs, mom of 2 and would like to loose 12 lbs. I have a really small frame and its gonna be hard to loose this weight, just need to stay motivated. I hope you reached your weight loss goals. Good Luck :) Jenn in NJ