I'm in this for the long haul

Hello, my name is Celia and I just discovered MyFitnessPal this past month. I've already got a number of people from work addicted with me and we spend half of our lunch hour scanning in everything we're having and talking about how much less we hate the grocery store lol. But seriously, I'm using the App every way I can to help me keep my focus on my goals. I'm recently engaged and my fiance and I know that we want kids right away. The wedding is a little over a year away, so I'm trying to get into shape in time to celebrate with our friends and family. I'm also a member of weight watchers. I like the support that the group gives me and that I can participate right at work, but I've never been a huge fan of the point system. To me, it's about making better choices and steering those choices in a way that will help me slim down. I lost nearly 75 pounds a few years ago doing this, but after going through some stressful times in my life, managed to gain it all back. I know I can do this, I just have to keep my head in the game. I'd love to gain some friends here who can give me a little push when I need it, and that I can do the same for. My fiance is a member of Fitness Pal as well, and because I'm a little bit of a control freak, I think it's helped that when I cook, I'm remembering to stay on track for him and to keep him in line. We're on this mission together and I couldn't have someone who is more supportive of me :) I don't want to let him down, or myself! Feel free to add me if you're looking for another friend in your circle!


  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Welcome and good luck!! You did it once and you can do it again. Make a goal poster of where you want to be by the wedding. Pick a dress that you like - not YOUR dress along with some sexy clothes for the honeymoon to put on your goal poster. I have mine hanging in the bathroom by my scale. I marked off the first 20 lbs. in 2 lb. increments and then 5 lb. increments after that. I wrote in a goal at each major point (10 lbs - mani; 25 lbs. mani/pedi) 50 lbs. nice new outfit, etc.) Be sure to take before pictures and your measurements. It's great that you have the support of your fiance. It will make the journey much easier. You will learn to live a healthier lifestyle and what great role models you will be for your children!!
  • shortygurl0815
    Thank you, that is a great idea! Just the kind of visual motivation that will keep me going :)
  • bexrox
    bexrox Posts: 8 Member
    I'm finally ready to lose the extra 150 lbs that I've been carrying around most of my life. I would love to be your friend and support you in your efforts. :wink:
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Thank you, that is a great idea! Just the kind of visual motivation that will keep me going :)

  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    I'm finally ready to lose the extra 150 lbs that I've been carrying around most of my life. I would love to be your friend and support you in your efforts. :wink:

    Great decision! Good luck on your journey!!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Good luck, you have done it before so know how to make it work and you can definitely do it again!
  • myf1101
    Welcome and good luck for both the weight loss and the wedding. I too was a weightwatchers member but seemed to stall at a certain point and then the weight would go back on again. Not a fan of the new pro points system though, shame they changed because I knew the points of most things and now they have changed. I have only been on here a few days and it is brilliant so far. I am more than willing to be a friend on your journey to health and fitness and maybe we can motivate each other on the way.