Have you had success using the elliptical?



  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I have an elliptical at home and I only use it to get warmed up. I don't have huge burns on it, less than 2 calories per minute, so I don't bother logging it.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I use my elliptical 2 or 3 times a week, alternating with running for my daily cardio. I have a problem with my hip and cannot run every day. I use an interval program and varying speed, and I burn somewhere between 550 - 600 cals in a 40 minute workout. That's based on my HRM. So I think it's a great workout. But you have to hit it hard!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I loved the elliptical when I was trying to reduce my tendinitis in my knees. I used HIIT training a lot, intense intervals alternated with "rest" intervals. Usually 2 minutes intense (HR close to 80% of max) and then 1 minute of "rest" (HR closer to 60% of max). I would say a heart rate monitor will be a big tool while using the elliptical. I suggest purchasing your own with a wrist band and chest strap, even just a cheapo one (what I have) that only reads out HR, not cals or anything. You want to make sure your body is actually working (60%-80% max HR) and you're not just lollygagging around on the elliptical or it will be a huge waste of time.
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    Elliptical is great. I strained my MCL playing footie about 4 weeks back and didn't do any exercise for a couple of weeks. Physio suggested I would be ok to use the elliptical and I don't get any pain now. Need to get back into running because I'm doing a half marathon in September but this is gonna help with my fitness no end and won't be detrimental to my knee (which I hope will be better in another 4 weeks :D ).

    Such a great substitute to impact exercise.
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    I hate running. HATE IT!! So when I started doing the gym thing I started with the Elliptical. My first 20 pounds were lost on it with just 15 minutes a day along with some strenth training. after several weeks there was a marked increase in stanima and I the intensity on the elliptical went up. I can now up the resistance on that thing almost to the max and keep it at 150 rpm for my 15 minutes. It's also great for interval training, 1 minutes as hard as you can followed by 2 minutes moderate.
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    You all make me want to dust off my elliptical and go back to it! I gave it up do to my ankle and feet.

    I am having trouble with the tendons on the top of my feet--kind of where you tie your sneakers. Do you think this is from overuse of my elliptical? I am not sure if it was going from zero to full out working out or walking hills after not working out....

    I am trying to avoid getting hurt!!!

    If you're leaning forward too much this could be causing the problem.
    Try sitting back in a semi-squat position so that your weight is in your heels. Push through your heels to work your glutes and the back of your legs. This should also take the pressure off the top of your foot.

    I love love love :heart: my elliptical. I've been using the Podrunner "First Day to 5K" interval program (http://www.djsteveboy.com/mixes.html)
    ... I also enjoy Cardio Coach guided workouts - they are terrific for the elliptical (http://www.cardiocoach.com/)
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    I hear alot of the wonderful stories about this machine. I have one at home and try to use it at least 2-3 times a week. i must have my ipod on because i prsonally hate this machine. Yet, I will say that when doing it consistently, i recognize more lost. Tuesdays and Thursday is a must...So here we go Thursday!!!! lol
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    Love elliptical.
    Right now I strength train and ride a spin bike for warm ups and cool downs but on days that I dont want to lift I use a Precor AMT machine, it's similar to an elliptical but your feet can move freely and I have found that I burn more calories on it.
    But I used to practically live on the gool ol elliptical.
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    If the elliptical seems to easy all you need to do is increase either the resistance or your own speed (or both). I don't understand how it can be too easy since you control the intensity? If you're unsure whether you are working out hard enough you might want to try a heart rate monitor and find what settings work for you.
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    I loved the elliptical when I was trying to reduce my tendinitis in my knees. I used HIIT training a lot, intense intervals alternated with "rest" intervals. Usually 2 minutes intense (HR close to 80% of max) and then 1 minute of "rest" (HR closer to 60% of max). I would say a heart rate monitor will be a big tool while using the elliptical. I suggest purchasing your own with a wrist band and chest strap, even just a cheapo one (what I have) that only reads out HR, not cals or anything. You want to make sure your body is actually working (60%-80% max HR) and you're not just lollygagging around on the elliptical or it will be a huge waste of time.

    I agree with trying to add some high intensity interval training to your elliptical routine. I used this a couple years ago on the elliptical with cleaning up my diet a little I lost about 15 pounds. Turn the resistence HIGH and try tabata, kicks your booty but the benefits are incredible. 20 seconds going HARD and 10 seconds rest do this for 8 rounds (4 mins)
  • joshmiller1998
    I have had great success using the elliptical. I was told that using it compared to running on the treadmill or just running in general, it's alot easier on your body, but yet is more effective. My workout routine that I do has me using the treadmill or bike, but I substitue the elliptical in. I highly reccommend it.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I do 30 minutes on an elliptical and burn 340 calories. And I am soaking wet with sweat when I am done.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    The elliptical is the best cardio machine you can do without running.
    The problem is that most people don't make the best of it.
    If you hop on and knock out 30 minutes (without upping the resistance), you won't see an benefit.
    Crank it up, get that heart rate up to 85%, do intervals, SWEAT!
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    It has taken me a long time to appreciate the elliptical trainer. Used to always use the treadmill but it is harder on my knees and jars the body. I prefer to do my cardio in the form of spinning but when that isn't available to me I use the elliptical. For me, the key to a fantastic workout is to use one of the pre-programmed routines. I like to do a 30 minute cardio program at a challenging level (for me) that alternates between resistance levels of 50-70%. I have also tried the HIIT program at those levels which is also effective. The key is to do a program on the machine that makes you sweat and works your heart too.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I started off using my Eliptical 3 days a week, now I use it 6 days a week for up to an hour (depending on what other cardio I plan on doing that day). I've been using it for many months now, and depending on how hard I work, I see great results!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Turn the resistence HIGH and try tabata, kicks your booty but the benefits are incredible. 20 seconds going HARD and 10 seconds rest do this for 8 rounds (4 mins)

    Love me some tabata workouts... such killers but I love the feeling afterward. I know I was working hard after I complete a tabata... mostly because I'm laying on the floor in a pool of sweat trying to catch my breath. :D
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Thank you for your reply! I was doing both walking fast/hills etc AND the elliptical after being a couch potato, so I wasn't sure which one was more of a cause!

    I will try the elliptical!
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    If the elliptical seems to easy all you need to do is increase either the resistance or your own speed (or both). I don't understand how it can be too easy since you control the intensity? If you're unsure whether you are working out hard enough you might want to try a heart rate monitor and find what settings work for you.

    It's not too easier just easier than the treadmill or stairmaster for the same length. I current workout on the elliptical with an interval program. My resistance goes between 5 and 9 between the intervals with a ramp change from 4-10 respectively. I def sweat and push myself on the machine and enjoy it once I get going. I will always work in other workouts but when I only have 30 minutes I will continue to go hard on the elliptical.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    If the elliptical seems to easy all you need to do is increase either the resistance or your own speed (or both). I don't understand how it can be too easy since you control the intensity? If you're unsure whether you are working out hard enough you might want to try a heart rate monitor and find what settings work for you.

    It's not too easier just easier than the treadmill or stairmaster for the same length. I current workout on the elliptical with an interval program. My resistance goes between 5 and 9 between the intervals with a ramp change from 4-10 respectively. I def sweat and push myself on the machine and enjoy it once I get going. I will always work in other workouts but when I only have 30 minutes I will continue to go hard on the elliptical.
    What they said^^ I want to add that I see alot of people just holding on to the center bars. Hold the outside bars and get your upper body moving too. Get the most out of it. Oh and speed up and race like hell, then slow a bit, then speed up again. Keep that heart rate up!!!! And if you don't come off sweating?? Then you need to up something....
  • cindylee276
    cindylee276 Posts: 2 Member
    I had such great success with the elliptical. In fact when I got bored with it and stopped using it I gain 20 lbs back. So its back to my elliptical. A treadmill was just not cutting it when it came to burning calories.