MFP Newb

I have used MFP since November, 2011. Prior to that I was a livestrong user. I have always been the type to kind of bounce around on weight. Five years ago I started working toward a healthy lifestyle. I went from just under 200 to 168 at 5'6. In between that time and August 2010 I bounced around between 168-175. However, I got engaged and decided now was the time to get moving even more. I started working out with a trainer, working out 5x a week and using my HRM and journaling food. By the time the wedding rolled around in August 2011 I had gotten to 163. However, after the wedding a lot started interrupting our life. I hated my job, got laid off, stressed out and put back on 12lbs by the end of November.

I am happy to say that since then I have taken those 12lbs back off, but I am trying to quit with the back and forth. I want to stay healthy. I would like to get down to 145 and am hoping this forum will help keep me on target. Because, as I'm sure you all know its easier to stay with a program then to start all over again.

I workout 6x a week, weight lifting, boxing and kettlebell are my poison. In November, I started a blog called the 6-week challenge, giving myself reasonable 6 week goals to reach for. Friends joined me and it really helped to motivate. I did 2 6-week challenges and then signed up for my gym's weight loss challenge that is 12-weeks. I'll be halfway through on March 1.

I LOVE working out, nutrition is the hard part for me!