Wondering about HIIT

So, I am 39, 6'3" 326.5 pounds, and fairly out of shape. 15 years ago I was in good shape. I could ride my bike 50 miles or better on any given day, hike very steep trails at a fast walk without going anaerobic, swim a mile when I chose too. I was never much of a runner or weight lifter. Right now I am starting the long road back to the shape I was in 15 years ago.

That being said, I am seeing a lot written about the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training. It seems by far the most effective exercise regimen for weight loss and fitness, at least from what I have read. I understand that it's not for beginners, so I don't intend to start right away. (I'm only a week into this, from pretty much couch potato status.)

My current exercise regimen is a 20 minute one mile walk every day with the dog, and 3 days a week working cardio at the gym on either a bike, rowing machine, or the elliptical. I intend to add some kind of strength training in the next week or so. Right now I am just trying to get my body used to working up a sweat again.

My big question is, is there anyone out there who has started from the position I am in worked their way into HIIT, or worked with someone who has? What should my initial goals be?


  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member

    Read that article lately. I'm starting to work them into my training. One this week, two next week, 3 after...

    Right now I am set to do it on the bike 5 minute warm up, 10 sets of 1:00 hard work, 1:00 rest, 5 minute cool down.

    Perhaps on the walk with the dog, try to do 30 seconds to a minute at a fast walk, or light jog, something faster than your current pace.. Work yourself into it if you need to..

    Set up your goals small to start with, something you know you can accomplish, and write them down. Here, in an email to yourself, note on the fridge... somewhere.. then stick with it.
  • thunt0975
    I started going to a cardio kickboxing which includes turbo (HIIT) 2 minute intervals atleast 3 times within the 60min class. I was over 300lbs when I started but had been in shape a long time ago too. I found this the most enjoyable and have actually stuck with this class. I am a little over 6mos into my journey and have lost 54lbs. I have also tried at home videos but found I enjoy the socializing a class at the gym gives. You ought to give it a try even in the shape you are now. You will probably surprise yourself at how good you feel getting back into something with high intensity. I know I was shocked with my capabilities. Good luck!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Do you do interval training every day, or do you need to take time off in between like weight training?
  • thunt0975
    Based on what I have heard and read, you should not do it every single day. I do turbokick 2 or 3 times a week, ride an exercise bike and some weight training on the other days.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Personally, I'm working myself up to 3 HIIT's a week, and then will do about 6 weeks with HIIT in them. The other days I'm doing 30-60 minute cycling on a trainer, with aims to do a 20+mile ride every Saturday. Personally I'm of the feeling that if you are doing 90% heart rate / effort for the HIIT, then you need at least a day of recovery or different type of workouts between
  • Dose anyone use the HIIT app timer? and if so what is the best one to start with?
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member

    Thats the one I use, it's simple enough, I did have to pay but it's better then me trying to watch the clock.