Howdy howdy


My name is Mike. About 5 months ago I was involved in a pretty horrendous break-up. My life perception about just what I've been doing shifted dramatically. I started researching health and fitness, along with nutrition. After awhile I started the Insanity workout, and now I am about a month and 2 weeks in. So far I love it, I was 180lbs at some point last year(October), now I am 147.2. Talk about a difference.

I still have some work to do, but my progress has left me feeling amazing. I am a geek, I love gaming (Tribes: Ascend, Skyrim, ToR, BF3) mostly on the PC. I work in the IT field as a Systems Admin and have been dedicated to eating better and taking care of myself as my first priority.

I hope to make some friends on here for motivation and sharing new fitness tips or nutrition bits. My latest dilemma is to eat whole grain bread/bagels, or not to. I'm leaning towards not, with the exception of oatmeal. Anywho, feel free to ask me any questions and add me!