I broke the 1200 calorie barrier!

This morning, in a single exercise, I hit 1211 calories in an hour on the elliptical! Eight months ago I was happy to get around 600 an hour. I set my goal for twice that, thinking it would be extremely hard to achieve. With the winter holidays and all, being sick too, I got set back a little, but recovered and tackled my quest with a vengeance. Today I made it, and it wasn't that hard, I mean, it's repeatable, something I know I can do, now that I've done it.
I don't know what my new goal will be. On the distance counter, it said I averaged 7.37 mph. There are three things I can control...distance, difficulty (the machine ranges from 1-25 on level of force it takes to push the pedals, I do half on 14, half on 16), then there is speed/distance. When I first started, I thought 3 miles was good. But then that got too easy, and so did the lower level of 5. So I started increasing the level, and also tried to get more distance. Of course the calories I burned being that work = force x time, increased. So I reached a hard to reach goal and am stymied at what the new goal should be. The only thing I can't change is time. I do other exercises and all of my free time is used up (99 minutes....I guess I could add one more to make an even 100...lol!!!) Anyone have any ideas of a new goal for me? I am kind of leaning toward just increasing the difficulty level and try to maintain the same pace.

As an end note- the way I got this far was NOT to go the same pace the entire hour. Oh no...I work hard and steady for 4 minutes, go as fast as I can for a minute or two, then relax to a slow pace and recover, and then go backwards for a few minutes as fast as I can, relax, then start over....constantly changing my heart rate and demand on my body, and always increasing each week the level of difficulty to where I just could barely make it.


  • Dokks
    Dokks Posts: 16
    Wow that's pretty impressive. I work out pretty hard on the elliptical every day for 70 minutes. By the end of which my t-shirt looks like I took a shower in it and I generally burn between 900 - 1000 cals (according to my garmin).

    So nice job!
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