real supporters

i live with and i am around people that are naturally skinny or they just don't care what they eat and don't mind being unhealthy and a little over weight. seriously they cook with lard and butter and say "what? it makes it taste better... and im perfectly healthy" as she injects herself with insulin and pop pills because she is "healthy"... just need some real support even if it's via my phone app or online


  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Thats is tough, I know how you feel though! Feel free to add me, I have a great group of friends on here and it's made so much of a difference to me! I'm looking for a regular check in buddy to keep each other going on bad days.
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 93 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! Add me if you like I will give daily support.
  • Methras
    Methras Posts: 25 Member
    Some people just don't see what the meaning of healthy is.
    Of course, if you use a lot fo cream and butter in your food, it will probably taste better - but it doesn't matter it is good for you. I am not saying that you should avoid fat completely, but try to balance it.

    I have the same problem with one friend of mine that has always been skinny. I tried explaining I am trying to lose weight and he refused to see that if you want to lose weight, you have to be careful about what you eat, because in his mind we are all the same. He actually believed that if I ate the same as him, I would turn out to be as skinny as he is. >.<