Wasting my time?

jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I didn't really want this to be my first topic on here, but it was just on my mind.

I just joined this site a few days ago, and I found it very inspirational. I was never a big fan of calorie counting, but I find it encouraging to see that "if everyday were like today you'd weigh ____ in 5 weeks" statement, as well as the fact that it helps me not lose sight of what I'm eating. I also went out for the first jog I'd ever gone on in a while, and the next day I felt pretty sore -- my muscles, I mean. From tons of information told to me by others, I naturally interpret this as the muscle tissue tearing, and then rebuilding (with proper nutrition and whatnot), and this is naturally the process that the body goes through in order to grow muscles, right? Anyway...

A friend of mine went to the gym this morning for the first time in a while. In the last two years I'd known him, I hadn't known anytime he ever went to a gym. He had a personal trainer this morning. When he came into work, he started talking about how much exercise she put him through in an hour, and that he lifted a lot of weights, and all this other stuff. He started talking about how he also was just so very sore. He suggested I do it with him, but because of my apprehension towards gyms, I said I'd just continue doing my jogging and healthy eating. He started right in on me, telling me about how I won't get anywhere by doing that, and that I'll never get better at jogging without strength training -- aka, I'll never progress without a gym. That was what he said. And then he started talking about how superior his muscle pain was in comparison to mine, and that his was "different", even though we were sore in the same places.

Anyway, I guess the reason I'm in here is because I wanna know if I"m actually wasting my time, or if my friend was just getting high on himself because of his ignorance (I mean, he's certainly not in shape or anything, no more than me) and good day at the gym.


  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    I didn't really want this to be my first topic on here, but it was just on my mind.

    I just joined this site a few days ago, and I found it very inspirational. I was never a big fan of calorie counting, but I find it encouraging to see that "if everyday were like today you'd weigh ____ in 5 weeks" statement, as well as the fact that it helps me not lose sight of what I'm eating. I also went out for the first jog I'd ever gone on in a while, and the next day I felt pretty sore -- my muscles, I mean. From tons of information told to me by others, I naturally interpret this as the muscle tissue tearing, and then rebuilding (with proper nutrition and whatnot), and this is naturally the process that the body goes through in order to grow muscles, right? Anyway...

    A friend of mine went to the gym this morning for the first time in a while. In the last two years I'd known him, I hadn't known anytime he ever went to a gym. He had a personal trainer this morning. When he came into work, he started talking about how much exercise she put him through in an hour, and that he lifted a lot of weights, and all this other stuff. He started talking about how he also was just so very sore. He suggested I do it with him, but because of my apprehension towards gyms, I said I'd just continue doing my jogging and healthy eating. He started right in on me, telling me about how I won't get anywhere by doing that, and that I'll never get better at jogging without strength training -- aka, I'll never progress without a gym. That was what he said. And then he started talking about how superior his muscle pain was in comparison to mine, and that his was "different", even though we were sore in the same places.

    Anyway, I guess the reason I'm in here is because I wanna know if I"m actually wasting my time, or if my friend was just getting high on himself because of his ignorance (I mean, he's certainly not in shape or anything, no more than me) and good day at the gym.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I promise you that you are NOT wasting your time. This website has so many useful tools, take advantage of them. My twin brother motivated me to lose weight starting last year. He has lost 125 lbs WITHOUT a gym membership. He did it by lots of jogging :wink: and healthy eating.
    You'll be the one laughing when your friend sees how well you do without the pricey gym membership. Gyms are great, I go to the local Y but there is plenty of stuff that you can do at home.
    Welcome and best of luck!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    "He started right in on me, telling me about how I won't get anywhere by doing that, and that I'll never get better at jogging without strength training -- aka, I'll never progress without a gym."

    There is a good possibility that THAT is what the PT told him...not exactly persay, but it might be darn close. He sounds lovely.

    You're doing fine jogging & eating healthy. You might get to the point where you want to add strength training, but you certainly don't "need" a gym to do so. You'll figure it out. Just go at your own pace & add stuff when you're comfortable...if you want to at all!

    That's just my two cents. :glasses:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Couple of things...first jogging costs you nothing but your shoes and time that is a BIG thing for me. Secondly, you can work out whenever you want. Third who really gives a big ole rat's butt what he thinks? I mean really. This is you, your quest, your time, your money, your body AND your lifestyle. Do what you enjoy and you will stick with it. If you start comparing yourself to others then you will fail. Do it for your reasons and your way and know we are here to help you and listen and support you.

    Done ranting.....:bigsmile:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Nope. Flat out no. You are NOT wasting your time. I really like how when someone (not everyone, but some people) start on a new plan theirs is the only one that will work. For anyone. BS. We each have a different path, suited to our needs, bodies, tastes, and personalities. What you are doing will work for you. If at some point, it quits working, then you need to tweak some things - BUT you will know when it is time and you will be ready for it when it happens.

    There are plenty of ways to do "strength training" without a gym. There are so many things you can do that don't require equipment. Check out some fitness magazines on line - if you are ready for that. Start at what ever level you are ready to start at. As you get healthier, you will progress, if you are committed and ready to change your lifestyle. I would bet money that in 2 months you will still be going strong and your friend will have burnt out and quit. That would be my prediction - I could be wrong, but sometimes the ones that start the hardest, and are the pushiest burn out fastest. (It's the attitude generally that determines that! A good attitude and commitment is necessary and great. A I'm the only one who knows and what you are doing is stupid attitude is a bad signal!)

    Plus, read posts by Banks aka SHBoss. You will find tons of motivation and great ideas there!!

    Hang in there - this is a great ride. Enjoy your journey, don't let anyone else try to make theirs!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You don't need a gym to get stronger. Everyone has to take the path that is right for them and only them. What you will find is that by starting off and pacing yourself that you may actually have better long term results.

    Personally, I had to take baby steps, a little cardio to start, then I added light weights in around week 12 and then a little yoga, so on and so on. slow and steady wins the race and you don't have to pay gym fees + personal trainer fees to get fit!

    Keep at it, you will see results and when you get discouraged just pop on and ask for help that is what we are all here for! :flowerforyou:
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    With all due respect, your friend is being an *kitten*. I started jogging two months ago and I've seen a huge difference and my friends are asking what I've been doing. I've also definately seen an improvement in my running ability and all I do is run and a little bit of free weights so that I can get Michelle Obama arms.

    You're definately not wasting your time here. I've found it so helpful to have a place to log my calories and exercise, it helps make me accountable for my actions, and the community here is amazing! All you have to do is look at the weight tickers and you'll see how this site helps people progress and pretty soon you'll see it in the mirror!
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    You need to have the following to achieve your goals and maintain them for the rest of your life
    Healthy eating habits
    A good Cardio work out whether you choose to run, do areobics, cycling, or a stairmaster is up to you
    A good strength training program that incoporates all your muscles

    In my opinion your friend is full of hot air and was trying to show you up. Don't let his bull get the better of you. You have made a choice, a choice to live a healthier life. It is worth your time.
  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    Omg, no offence, but that was a TOTAL alpha male thing he pulled on you!! There is NOTHING wrong with your approach to getting into shape. Just because you don't want to go to the gym, doesn't mean you aren't going to be as successful. Just ignore what he said and be proud of yourself for what you are doing. What kind of 'friend' does that anyway?!

    Stay focused and brush off the negativity. :drinker:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you are not wasting your time

    your friend may be high on himself but forget all that

    what I would do is continue and start adding in some push ups.

    Sounds so simple right? like that isnt enough to do?


    push ups are totally awesome....

    how many can you do? dont answer me here,,,just answer yourself....

    I guarantee you...without a doubt ,,,start doing push ups every other day...not every day...

    do as many as you can for 5 sets...it may only be a few,,,but quickly you will gain strength and you will feel the pump you get and you will like it

    try it

    as for your friend...let him do his thing...and you do yours

    good luck
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    you are not wasting your time

    your friend may be high on himself but forget all that

    what I would do is continue and start adding in some push ups.

    Sounds so simple right? like that isnt enough to do?


    push ups are totally awesome....

    how many can you do? dont answer me here,,,just answer yourself....

    I guarantee you...without a doubt ,,,start doing push ups every other day...not every day...

    do as many as you can for 5 sets...it may only be a few,,,but quickly you will gain strength and you will feel the pump you get and you will like it

    try it

    as for your friend...let him do his thing...and you do yours

    good luck

    If you want more structure for pushups, check out this site. Dave had a good point about the pushups. They are a GREAT workout.

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    No, not a waste of your time. Trust me, ANYTHING...if done right and consistently, will make a difference! And jogging/running is a great workout!

    There are always those people that feel the need to "one-up". Don't let them get to you. Just keep doing what you're doing....count the calories, exercise the way YOU want and keep on, keepin on. He will learn to shut his mouth when he see's your results.

    And, by exercising the way YOU want to, you know you won't get burned out. That is a huge thing when it comes to sticking to this! Doing what you enjoy. And you do not need a gym to exercise. Plain and simple.

    Good luck!!:happy:
  • amyslaunwhite80
    amyslaunwhite80 Posts: 6 Member
    I had a personal trainer tell me that woman will never lose the weight they want to lose without doing weight training. (I know you are a guy but just wanted to tell you what she told me) I know that this is not true though. A lady at my office lost over 100 pounds by eating well and using a treadmill that she has at home. She didn't do strength training. I have been doing strength training at the gym and I do enjoy it and find it makes a difference in the way I feel and how much energy I have but you can definatily lose weight and get in shape without it. Building muscle will increase your metabolism which is good but eating well and jogging is awesome too. If you do want to do some strength training there is stuff you can do at home without any equipment like squats, lunges, push ups, crunches ect, stuff that uses your body as the weight. Don't let that guy get you down just show him he's wrong!
  • CountryGirl84
    CountryGirl84 Posts: 39 Member
    I don't think you're wasting your time at all, change can happen at home or at a gym. I think the main difference in which method you persue is dependent on the type of person you are. Can you actually stick to a diet/exercise program at home? Or do you need someone - like a personal trainer - telling you what to do and how hard to work out in order to actually go the distance? It's just up to how you work better. So no, I don't think this is a waste of time and if you look through the success stories you will see how lots of people have managed to lose huge amounts of weight at home! However, that won't work for everyone, some people really do need outside motivation from someone like a trainer who will really push them to work out all the time!

    If you think this is the way for you then go for it! Show your friend you can - and will - do it!!! If you need support when things get tough there are sooo many people who will be here for you to lean on!

    Good luck!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Not wasting your time....35 pounds since 1 Nov 2008, don't even know where the gym is...
    Good luck
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Running Rocks!!! He probably won't be doing much in a month, people who like to talk big often do nothing....also, this guy reminds me of the people at my gym after January 1 and who slowly drop off over time, you know, those who make resolutions. You should try running in some races, I've always been the person who had no hobbies, no interests, but then I took up running and have run in a bunch of races (recent half marathon!) and have found it to be what I love to do, try it!
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    You are not wasting your time. I hate to say this about someone you consider your friend but I beleive he is jealous that he has to spend a fortune to go into a gym and have someone PUSH him into his goal. I have had people make comments to me about how a gym is so much better but in the end I am the one who has continued on this journey. With out the trainer alot of people fall on their face. You have chosen to do this for your self your are answering to yourself instead of a stranger who could be gone any moment. You are so much stronger and your results will last because you are encouraging yourself everyday. You will not regret this!! You are worth it just dont give up. Everyone on this site is awesome and very encouraging I have learned more doing this with the site then I ever did with a trainer!!! Good luck!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Like others said, you're not wasting your time. I've lost 55 pounds without ever stepping foot in a gym. Best wishes to you!
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    Not a waste of time! I started running/jogging last fall and could barely go 1/2 mile. Now my husband and I are up to 3 miles at a time. I've lost 35 pounds since joining MFP last year and that has been from watching calories and exercising more.
  • mRina66
    mRina66 Posts: 38
    Not true, I know plenty of people who lost weight by just changing their eating habbits. Weight training is good but you need to take some weight off with cardio and jogging is a great start! Just keep pushing yourself! :flowerforyou:
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