Exercise Ball

Hey all,
If this is a repeat question my apologies but since there is no search option and I am too lazy today to flip through all the old topics here it is:

Does anyone use an Exercise Ball and have they seen results? I'm using it primarily for core strengthening, and strengthening my abs and back.

Thanks for your input :)


  • hannebuddika
    Hey all,
    If this is a repeat question my apologies but since there is no search option and I am too lazy today to flip through all the old topics here it is:

    Does anyone use an Exercise Ball and have they seen results? I'm using it primarily for core strengthening, and strengthening my abs and back.

    Thanks for your input :)
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I've actually thought about getting one to replace my office chair. I sit on my butt all day and I heard just balancing on one helps your abs.
  • Dusty74
    Dusty74 Posts: 68
    We just started using one a few days ago so visually there are no changes yet. But as far as it working... my abs are telling me today that something is working :laugh: It is definitely more comfortable than doing crunches on the floor.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey all,
    If this is a repeat question my apologies but since there is no search option and I am too lazy today to flip through all the old topics here it is:

    Does anyone use an Exercise Ball and have they seen results? I'm using it primarily for core strengthening, and strengthening my abs and back.

    Thanks for your input :)

    I dont have an answer to your question, but i didnt want to let you know that there is a search, on the main message board screen at the top on the right.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I have one. I use it mostly for situps and push ups. Less strain on my back. I like it.
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I have mine and sit on it at work. It has helped with my posture and I do feel a differance in my abs.
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I have mine and sit on it at work. It has helped with my posture and I do feel a differance in my abs.

    what size do you have? Did anyone give you a hard time about it at work?
  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    We use it in my strength class...I kind of like it because it can really challenge you and I think on some things its easier on your back. Sometimes we even kill 2 birds with one stone by doing chest flys/presses while holding ourselves up with our legs on our back. MULTI-TASKING!!! My favorite word!
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    I've been using mine for about six months and I love it. So many exercises to do! I use mine for crunches, leg lifts, reverse sit-ups and basic core strengthening. The size you need depends on your height. There shoud be some sort of chart on the box. Have fun!
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182
    I use mine just for doing ab crunches. I'm so glad to have it because about 7 years ago I was doing situps quite consistently and I really hurt my tailbone (I'm sure I bruised it) because of incorrect technique. It took quite a long time for my tailbone to feel better.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I had one last spring that I liked - used it for ab work when I worked out. I really liked it - then my cat popped it in the middle of the night. :noway: I just got a new one, haven't used it yet, but if it counts for anything, I am looking forward to using it. Well, kind of! It does work :happy:
  • Kristine18
    Hi Everyone,

    I was debating on getting an excercise ball to replace my chair at work as well considering I am sitting at the computer 75% of my day anyways. I came across this website I thought you could check out!

    I have seen a few people within my office with them and I dont believe that anyone has given anyone a hard time about it, If your worried you could always check with your bos beforehand.

  • yogiaidan12
    yes i did. but like most exercises, it all depends on how you use it and if you are doing it the right way.
    i actually have gotten AMAZING results from doing "standing abs" which is working abs(mainly obliques) while standing evidently.:smile:
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182
    I had one last spring that I liked - used it for ab work when I worked out. I really liked it - then my cat popped it in the middle of the night. :noway: I just got a new one, haven't used it yet, but if it counts for anything, I am looking forward to using it. Well, kind of! It does work :happy:
    Yikes! How scary would that sound be!!!
  • OLifter25
    Stability balls are a great tool if used properly, if used wrong they can lead to serious spine injuries over extended periods of time. You have to remember that the core is designed for stability not movement. If you watch professional’s sports like football, watch when they run and cut into different angles. Their abs/core is not moving to guide them into another plane, it is simply their core stabilizing then their body is moving. When we train abs/core keep stability exercises in mind rather than movement exercises like crunches.

    Start by doing a simple floor bridge for time. Once you have mastered that for about 1:30 or 2 mins then progress to side bridges. If you think your core is strong enough you can start doing front bridges with your elbows on the ball. This should add instability beneath you which activates the abs/core to a greater extent.

    Also, stay away from doing wall squats with a stability ball. The movement is teaching the wrong movement patterns for the squat. Find a personal trainer that has the knowledge of the correct movement pattern for a squat.
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    i have the 5 and 8 lb balls and use them with a DVD workout by Mia Finnigan (sp?). It lasts about 20-25 minutes, and works abs/core/arms/back/thighs/rearend/chest...basically your whole body....yes, it has toned me all over...and it is amazing how much stronger i have gotten since starting.....time to increase the ball/wt size! good luck!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I had one last spring that I liked - used it for ab work when I worked out. I really liked it - then my cat popped it in the middle of the night. :noway: I just got a new one, haven't used it yet, but if it counts for anything, I am looking forward to using it. Well, kind of! It does work :happy:
    Yikes! How scary would that sound be!!!

    Scared the crap out of me! The really funny part was how bad it scared the cat :laugh: I laughed, after my heart started beating again. :heart:
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    I had one last spring that I liked - used it for ab work when I worked out. I really liked it - then my cat popped it in the middle of the night. :noway: I just got a new one, haven't used it yet, but if it counts for anything, I am looking forward to using it. Well, kind of! It does work :happy:
    Yikes! How scary would that sound be!!!

    Scared the crap out of me! The really funny part was how bad it scared the cat :laugh: I laughed, after my heart started beating again. :heart:
    LMAO:laugh: :laugh: I can only imagine how funny that was to see!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I sit on a ball at work and love it.
  • hannebuddika
    I'm so afraid my dog will try to bite it but so far she's scared of it, no cat anymore so I guess mine is safe! Thanks for all the input! I may have to find that DVD you mentioned Kellya.